Monday, 11 November 2013

Did you miss this - 10 ways to generate more income from your check ups?

Based on my last 8 years of coaching and training dental practices worldwide, one question I get asked over and over again is ‘Can you give me more ideas on how to grow my practice?’
As the dental market place gets more and more competitive, you constantly need new ideas to help you stand out. grow your practice, maintain excellent  quality dentistry and  patient care.
That’s why I’m running a seminar that will enlighten, educate and empower you to make your good practice great. This will include ways to, earn more income, generate more patients, have more time and have a significantly better quality of life.

What does the teleseminar Include?
Dial-in seminar 19:00 -20:00  GMT, Wednesday November 13th 2013. You can dial in or use your computer from anywhere in the world
The seminar includes:
  •  10 proven ways that you can generate income from your examinations, including many that are not reliant on you doing more work, in fact you can do less. When you implement these new tools you are guaranteed to make a real difference to your practice, a significant improvement to the fiancés over 12 months and you will see results within 3 months.
  • A range of tested, low cost money making marketing methods that will help you to gain clients and make more money.
As well as the seminar, you get:
  • Pre and post seminar handbooks
  • Copies of the slides
  • A bonus offer – details given on the call
As far as I know, no other dental business coaching and training programme like this exists. We offer dental business coaching, training and mentoring , 1-2-1 for the principal dentists, in house for the team and monthly tele-seminars covering the 12 key areas of a successful practice to enable you to get the best possible results.

Who is it for?
  • Principal dentists, who have just bought a practice, have a stagnant practice or who are looking to sell within the next 5 years
  • Associate dentists who think they may want to own a practice or go into partnership, within the next 5 years
  • Team members including therapists, hygenists, nurses, receptionists.
  • This programme is for those just starting their practice as well as those who are looking to grow their practice to the next level.

What do dentists say about the programmes I run?
  • “So much was helpful -- the original offer attracted my attention, the rapport established but most of all the proverbial 'kick up the backside' to get me back on track, more focused and regain my enthusiasm for the work I love and for what I have to offer my clients. I now have a coordinated plan to implement!!”
  • “Your 1-2-1 coaching sessions are immensely helpful, I learnt so much in 1 hour; the questions were insightful and relevant and really got me thinking. You highlighted areas that hadn’t occurred to me at all and were supportive and encouraging which I appreciate enormously.”
  • “I really appreciate that you are a dentist and you are a skilled business person, a unique skill set of clinical and business knowledge, which is just what I need to help me transform my sluggish practice”
  • “You are like  Yoda, you make everything so simple and easy  to understand and implement, I always feel so motivated at the end of your sessions and achieve so much as a result, working with you is such good value for money”
Who runs the programmes?
Dr Jane Lelean dentists and international business coach and trainer, delivers the coaching, tele-seminars and training through her two coaching companies and
For more information about Jane click here.
How much is the programme?
  • The tele-seminars are free and you have unlimited access.
  • Entry level to individual coaching and training starts at only £397 per month.
This is great value – a high value seminar plus access to high quality one-to-one coaching at a price set to be affordable for every practice looking to develop, to find new patients, make more money, have more time, a significantly  better quality of life and experience results with 3 – 6 months.
Please note: places on the programme are limited.
How do I book?
Please register at
Wishing you success
“Coaching is, is taking a player where he can't take himself.”
Bill McCartney
With kind regards
Dr Jane Lelean BDS(U.Lond) MNLP PCC
International Dental Business Coach and Trainer
making good practices great
01296 770 462 | 07989 757 884
Accredited by the International Coach Federation
Approved by the Institute of Healthcare Management
Member of the Association of Coaching

Text SMILE to 70020 to donate £3 to a DentaidBox – equipping dental professionals in the developing world. (texts charged at £3 plus one standard network charge text. £3 comes direct to Dentaid)

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