Are you suffering from the curse of the vampires?
Last night was Halloween and I saw plenty of vampires out
trick or treating. And some were pretty realistic looking and scary. Contrary
to opinion vampires don’t come out just on a full moon and Halloween, they are
rubbing shoulders with you every day, casting
their evil spells on you, if you are is open to
their hypnotic stories, and before you know it you have been bewitched
by their powers, and become one of them.
The everyday vampire do not have pointy canines, wear black
or drink blood, they are well disguised as family members, members of your
team, friends or you may actually be one. I call the everyday vampires energy
vampires, the come in different disguises and here is how to recognise them. The
one thing all energy vampires have in common is that you feel bad, this could
be anything ranging from a mild sense of ill ease or the extreme of making you
feel like life is not worth living and you want to slash your wrists.
There are several species of vampire, I will share their key
traits and notice which ones you recognise?
The victim or drama queen. They experience a
constant string of catastrophic experiences all of which are someone else’s
responsibility or fault. Life acts upon them. And they steel from you by
expecting you to listen to all their woes, and don’t actually want anything to
improve, they don’t want to find solutions or to take responsibility, they
enjoy being miserable and would like you to join them in their irresponsibility
and victimhood.
The guilter. This type of vampire, steals your
spirit by making you feel guilty about what you have or haven’t done. It may
have been years ago that you made a transgression against a guilter and they
will never let you forget it irrespective of how many apologies of whatever amends
you make.
The jealous, this type of vampire cannot be
pleased for anyone else, honour or celebrate their success. If you try and
share something joyful in your life with them you will walk away feeling bad
about it. The jealous wants what someone else has and is seldom prepared to put
in the time or effort to create the results; they want the world to be given to
them on a plate. Common behaviour traits also include, whining, bitching, and
The insecure. The insecure vampires have an
insidious trait of making themselves feel better about themselves by putting
others down. These vampires are very quick to criticise, find fault and seldom
praise, that or congratulate others. A sub species of the insecure vampire include
the bully, the gossip, the angry, the violent that will use size, status, money,
age and other factors to belittle you and elevate their own self-importance.
Kill-joy vampires, a dark breed that don’t allow
themselves or those around them to have fun, the spot danger and risks rather than
opportunities and adventures. Life for a kill joy vampire is a dangerous and
scary place.
How can you protect yourself?
Convention says that to protect yourself from a vampire you
can carry a bible, wear a cross, scatter rice or grain, use garlic, and to
destroy them use a stake or silver bullet to pierce their heart. How do you
protect and destroy yourself from energy vampires?
The two most effective methods
- Learn to be conscious, and
recognise the signs when someone else is stealing your energy and you feel
bad as a result.
- Chose not to spend any
more time with these people. If the y are clients sack them, if they are
family avoid them if they are friends find new ones.
If you are not ready to step away from your energy vampires
you can learn how to manage your responses to them and this can be done by using
one or all of the following techniques
- Recognise what
specifically in their behaviour brings you down, e.g. persistent criticism
and ask them not to do it.
- Change your focus so that
you can identify and dwell on their good points.
- Change your internal
- Change your breathing,
when someone is stealing your energy you will often feel stressed, your
breathing is likely to become shallow, rapid and shorter, actively take
longer, slower deeper breaths.
- Use your
encase yourself in a protective shield so that you are safe from the
vampires negative vibes.
- Set boundaries about how
much time you spend with them, what activities you engage with them on,
and what behaviours you will and won’t tolerate.
- Use them as a self-development
tool. Often the traits we see and dislike in others we also exhibit in
ourselves. Become curious and when you become aware of a behaviour you don’t
like, ask yourself “When and with who am I like this and how can I change?”
- Immerse yourself with
people, in places, activities that re-create, nourish and feed your spirit.
If you have any other suggestions how to protect yourself
from energy vampires, please share them using the link below.
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