The principal - associate paradox is extremely damaging to
the health of dental practices and yet so many people have not heard about it,
have you?
The paradox exists because of the culture of dentistry as
healthcare and whether you are a practice owner or self-employed associate contractor
your focus will have been on your patients and improving their dental health.
Unfortunately, most
practices seldom make time to look at the performance of the business or to
have conversations with their colleagues. Consequently, no one knows what they don’t
know, and the financial problems begin to appear, fester and grow.
“A problem can only
be present in the absence of a truth-ful conversation”
The paradox is that associates often believe that their
principal is creaming off 50%-65% of
their gross income and it is all going in the principals back pocket, instead
of investing it in development of the practice, team marketing etc.
However, the principals often feel resentful because they
put in so much work and take home less than their associates, and are very aware
that if they are away from the practice that the practice income takes a
massive hit. They want t and need their associates
to step up and share the financial responsibility for the solvency of the
The solution is to look at the practice finances and to have
an honest conversation about remuneration packages.
Imagine a 2-surgery practice, with low operational fixed
costs of £180, 000 per year. That is the costs incurred before you see a patient.
The practice is open 5 days a week and the dentists working 46 weeks a year, or
230 days each 460 in total. The daily
operating costs are 180,000 / 460 = £391.30
The associate is on a “standard” 50% of gross and lab bills contact and generating
£800 day.
Lab bills are 10% of gross , £80 and materials 7% gross, £56
For the associate their
earnings are 800/2 – 80/2 =£360 day, £1,8000 a week 7,200 a month and £93,600 a year
Let’s look at it from the practice perspective
Income to the practice
= 800-360 = 440
After lab fees = £400
After materials £344
After operating costs -47.30
Over a week -£236.52
Over a month -946.09
Over a year -10,880
Can you understand why you are working so hard as a
principal to stand still?
Can you now appreciate why you are feeling so burdened by finances?
Can you now appreciate why you are feeling so burdened by finances?
As an associate how do you feel about not covering your
costs to the practice?
If you were to do the calculations on your fixed overheads,
lab fees, materials costs and associate productivity, what would your figures show?
What can you do about it?
Reducing expenses
Increasing associate gross
Altering associate percentages
Whatever you do, you need to have a truth-ful conversation
with your associate, sharing the figures, so they can understand the costs to
the practice that they don’t currently see.
If you are a principal or associate and would like to use our Associate Cost Calculator that
lets you compare various remuneration packages, please call 07989 757 884.
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