Monday, 21 October 2013

Would you like to hand in your notice?

Do your staff seem miserable and disengaged?

Do you have a high turnover of staff?
 Many dental practices are plagued by a high turnover of staff, high levels absenteeism, all a team who were disengaged at best and miserable worst. I also come across many principal dentists, who if they had the choice, would like to hand in their notice and find another job.

 Do you recognise any of this?

There are three key factors that determine whether you and your team are happy in your work,

Significance, relevance and self-evaluation.

Significance is one of our highest human needs, the  need to feel seen and valued. Unfortunately, and unintentionally business owners and leaders make many of our team members feel small,  insignificant or invisible,
Relevance. Everyone needs to feel as if their job and what they do matters, from the cleaner to a consultant, dentist to dental nurse and everyone in between. It is impossible to feel any sense of job satisfaction and loyalty to work if what you're doing seems pointless. That you never want to leave, because you're committed to has always got meaning and purpose.

Self evaluation It is essential for everyone to be able to evaluate for themselves whether they have done a good job, feeling fulfilled is not dependent on what someone else thinks of the quality of your performance, job satisfaction comes from that in a knowing the you have done a good job.

If you or any member of your team feels disengaged, miserable or desires to hand in their notice and find another job it is an indication that they feel insignificant, irrelevant or are unable to measure their own performance.
I invite you to assess for yourself, how happy you and your staff are.
Using a 0-10 scale rate yourself on the following questions
  • How significant do I feel at work?
  • How relevant is the work that I do?
  • How easily am I able to assess my own performance?

Alternatively  click here to download a free evaluation chart

If you are unhappy with the results and would like to create an engaged team of staff who are motivated fulfilled and will stay with you for a long time, call me on (07989) 757884 and I can show you how you can do this.
Together we make your good practice great

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