In their amazing book ‘The Go Giver' , Bob Burg and John David Mann share their five laws of stratospheric success
5. The law of reciprocity
The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving
In the book, the central character is asked to take action toward each of the five laws within 24 hours of being introduced to them.
Dentists are truly generous; I have not yet met one that does not want to do the best for their patients.
As a member of a caring profession you are giving all the time, your time, how many of you are working through lunch hours, before hours, after work and weekends, just to make sure that the patient, is served week. You may be doing emergency appointments to get them out of pain, working extra hours to make sure their work is fitted before a wedding or special party.
Most of you that I know are also generous and giving to your staff, in time and energy to listen to and help them overcome their personal challenges, financially in terms of their salaries, gifts and practice social events.
When a person is always giving they eventually become depleted and again I often meet depleted dentists, they are tired, worn out and lost their passion for dentistry, their practices and life. At this point you may become resentful of what you are giving and feel like those around you are always taking from you, demanding your time, attention, and money, taking liberties and making unrealistic expectations about what you can do for them.
Many of you will have coffee or water dispensers in your waiting rooms, and like you if they are continually dispensing they will eventually dry out, they need to be replenished and so do you.
Your body, mind and soul are replenished by receiving as well as giving.
If you recognise that you are giving much more than you are receiving it is time to address the balance, and be open to receiving.
When one of your patients pays you a compliment for example “those veneers that you fitted look really beautiful” graciously accept the compliment “Thank you for noticing that I do an excellent job”
As a dentist or member of a dental team you give so much of yourself, take time to enjoy being looked after by someone else, book yourself a massage, or other ‘hands on’ therapy and give yourself over to being cared for by another person.
One of the things that I notice about giving and receiving is that when our gifts are graciously received and thanks is given we are likely to receive more. I have two sets of nieces and nephews one set always acknowledge my gifts, ring me and write to me and say thank you. The other set don’t acknowledge that gifts have even been received. Even though I endeavour to be fair it is much more pleasurable for me to give to those nieces and nephews that say thank you and if I am honest I probably give them more of my time and attention too.
The gift of “Thank you” will help you stay open to receiving and keeping you replenished in mind, body, soul and even financially too.
I invite you just for today and one day at a time to be really open to receive..
When you have taken an action on any of the 5 laws of stratospheric successes and noticed some of the amazing changes and opportunities that happen as a result of following these simple ways of being, comment on my facebook post or on my blog.
If you want stratospheric success for your practice, or success that is more down to earth, call me now and I will help you achieve it.
01296 770462 or 07989 757 884 or e mail jane@healthyandwealthy.co.uk
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