In their amazing book ‘The Go Giver' , Bob Burg and John David Mann share their five laws of stratospheric success
4. The law of authenticity
The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself
In the book, the central character is asked to take action toward each of the five laws within 24 hours of being introduced to them.
People spend time with people they know like and trust.
Your patients come to you because they know like and trust you. We are all highly skilled at sniffing out a fake, and your patients can tell if you are not being authenic at 100 paces.
And yet many of us spend our time trying to be like someone else and over time you end up not knowing who you are and more importantly nor do those people around you.
I met a couple this weekend and he told me how much he wanted to climb mount Kilamanjaro, it saddened me to here that his wife was determined not to let him do it, and so he was denying who he was, part of him was dying.
I was also curious to read about Sam Walton, the founder of Walmat which now turns over $405bn and makes a profit of $13bn each year!
Apparently, on his deathbed Sam reported last three words were “I blew it!”. He realized that what truly mattered to him was his kids and his wife, whom he’d neglected in favour of building his business empire. Because his attention had been solely focused on developing Wal-mart, he didn’t take the time appreciate what was truly important to him and for him when he had the chance. San was not being authentic in terms of how hi lived his life in relation to his familty and died regretting the choices he made.
You only have one life, make th most of it.
I invite you just for today and one day at a time truly be yourself, not the person you believe others want you to be.
when you have taken an action on any of the 5 laws of stratosheric sucesses and noticed some of the amazing changes and opportunities that happen as a result of following these simple ways of being, comment on mu pace book post or on my blog.
If you want stratospheric success for your practice, or success that is more down to earth, call me now and I will help you achieve it.
01296 770462 or 07989 757 884 or e mail jane@healthyandwealthy.co.uk
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