I wanted to share with you a great at little acronym that is useful to create a shift in our attitude is the DANCE model. has been introduced to me by a great friend and colleague John Dashfield, john is not sure where who orignially coined the acroym and he thinks it may be Thomas Crum http://www.aikiworks.com/
The DANCE model works like this:
D is for Desire. This means knowing and always staying connected to your outcome. Keep your intentions clear at all times. Remember that we only ever class something as a 'problem' because we perceive that it's in the way of getting our outcome. The very best place to put any problem is in the past.
A is for Action. Take massive action towards your outcome. Do something every day, raise your game and keep the momentum going. Even if results are slow just the process of being in action keeps you motivated.
N is for Notice. Be aware of the feedback and results you're getting. Notice the direction your actions are taking you in.
C is for Change. Be prepared to change what you're doing if you're not getting the result. Someone told me an aeroplane is actually off course for up to 90% of a journey. It's only by constant adjustment that it eventually reaches it's destination.
E is for Emulate. Find people who've already done what you're about to do, or similar and emulate their success. By modelling successful people's thinking, beliefs and processes you can often massively shortcut the learning curve.
Ultimately, dancing with life means to be on purpose and acting out of your vision. You may not be able to predict the future but you can choose to dance on a moving carpet rather than have the rug pulled out from under you.
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