As I am working with my clients I am noticing that as they bring more ‘PLAY’ into their business and lives they are becoming more successful and much happier nicer people to be around too, which establishes a delightful virtuous circle.
P is for Passion, those things you love doing, the places you most enjoy being and for the people you most want to be around.
L is for Learning, about you and others, discovering new ways of doing business, new ways of being, new skills and habits and consolidating and mastering skills you already have.
A is for awareness, paying attention to what is happening around you so you notice the influence and impact you have on others and yourself and how other people are influencing you and pulling your strings. When you stand back and are aware you can make new choices.
Y is for You. The dentists and other business owners I work with spend a lot of time and money looking after and servicing their equipment, and yet you are the most integral thing in your business and now is the time to look after yourself, your health, fitness, diet, sleep, overcoming destructive patterns and addictions such as alcohol, drugs, impatience, anger etc, and to care for your friends family, your mind and spirit.
If you want to bring more play into your work place call me now and find out how I can help you. Ccll 07989 757 884 or e mail jane@healthyandwealthy.co.uk
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