Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Win a coaching session valued £300

You could win a free coaching session valued £300 that can be used to discuss any area of your business or personal life.

The five most common reasons dentists and business owners like you want to talk to me as there coach are;

  • They feel like they have lost their direction and are considering revitalising their practice or changing career.
  • They feel under pressure financially and are worried about how they are going to pay all their bills now or in the future. all they want is enough money to what they want, when they want with who they want
  • They never have enough to time to do what they want to do, there is always a pile of unfinished work and they want to be able to have the time and energy to do the things they love doing.
  • They don't have enough patients and they would like to see different patients and do more interesting rewarding dentistry.
  • They feel fed up overwhelmed and sick often realise they are overweight, drinking too much, not sleeping, relationships are failing and they recognise the root cause is their business is under performing and they are not prepared to tolerate it any longer.

What would be your reason to talk with a coach?

To win an hour of free coaching session valued at £300 send an e mail titled February Prize Draw to Jane@IODB.co.uk answering the questions below and the first person out of the hat will win a one hour coaching session free.

February prize draw questions

· On a scale of 1-10 where 0 is really dissatisfied and 10 is really satisfied; how satisfied are you with how much of your time is occupied physically and/ or mentally with work?

· What are the biggest demands on your time?

· For you to be really happy, how would you like to divide your time personally and professionally?

Send your answers to Jane@IODB.co.uk

The closing date to submit your answers is Friday 1st March

The winner will be announced in the April 2013 newsletter.

This month it could be you – send in your entry today to

This is what our previous winners have said;

“I have been quite staggered by the progress we have made since we last spoke”
RD Dentist Warwickshire

“I think you are excellent”
JT Dentist Ireland

“Thank you very much for a wonderful coaching session. I feel empowered again”
PJ dentist Harrow

Good luck and I look forward to recieving your entry

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