Friday, 22 February 2013

Money making moments

Money making moments

Are you tight for cash?

Money making moments are a great way to bring more money into your practice, and as much fun as pass the parcel with 20 five year olds.

Decide on a time that you are available to make more money for 15 minutes each week. You could have a money making Monday or a financially fun Friday, once you have decided when your money making moment is set it into your calendar as a recurring event with a themed alert, ideally the sound of a cash register to remind you.

 When you hear the sound of the cash register, whatever you are doing and focus on making or saving money for the next 15 minutes.

Ways you stem the flow of money out of your practice or bring more money in could include,

·        Calling a dormant patient to reactivate a treatment plan.

·        Cancelling an unused subscription.

·        Chasing up an overdue debt.

·        Following up a refund you're due.

·        Reviewing the what you treatment items cost to deliver, the prices patients pay and discovering your profit margins.

·        Shopping around better deals from your suppliers

 Whatever you do decide to do, commit to doing something every week,  

If you would like more ideas on how to bring cash into your practice, contact me on 07989 757 884 or and ask me about my top 50 ways to increase cashflow that I share with my clients.

Reduced costs by 15%, Increased profits by £40,000 so far” Dentist Harrow

 “We have reactivated an amazing £20,000 worth of treatment with just a few phone calls.” P J Dentist London

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