Thursday, 17 June 2010

The power of a mentor

Spent today with "The Incredibles" my mentoring group which consists of two IFA's and business coach specialising in working with IFA's and me.

Mentoring groups are powerful because:
• They provide a safe environment to share your successes and challenges
• They keep you focused on what you have set out to achieve
• They help you brainstorm ideas
• They provide a team if you work alone
• They have probably already experienced the challenge you are having now and can offer possible solutions.

Question: What is the difference between a mentor and a coach?
Answer: A mentor has made a similar career path to you and you will be able to benefit from their previous experience. A coach does not have to have had a similar career path, and will be focused on you achieving the outcomes that you want to achieve. Your coach will help you identify many choices that may be available to you and identify the correct one, based on you.

If you do not have a mentor or a coach I would suggest you find one of each to work with, they have different roles and they will enable you to be successful faster.

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