Wednesday, 19 July 2023

Striking a Harmonious Chord -The Art of Achieving Work-Life Balance


  • Are you looking to avoid overwhelm and gain work life balance?
  • Are you feeling burnt out, and want your mojo back?
  • Are you fed up with anxiety and want to regain yourself back?
  • Have you lost your self in dentistry and want to rediscover your passions?


I am sure that you are aware, it can be too easy to put a post on social media asking others for your answer.

Inside, you know the truth; what works for someone else may not work for you, because you are an individual different from everyone else. If there was one silver bullet solution, we would all be doing it and sadly there isn’t. It is easy when we look to others for our answers to be inspired by their passion and enthusiasms, try them out and discover that you don’t feel the same way. The quest for a work life balance, is your personal journey to discover what nourishes you,  makes your heart sing, your eyes light up  for you to feel fab.


There are 4 steps to getting away from your problems and finding the solution you are looking for,

  1. Self-awareness
  2. Raising personal standards
  3. Communicating well
  4. Action and accountability

Below is a classic coaches’ balance wheel, that we will often use when starting to work with a client, this is a useful tool for you to use to evaluate where you are now and where you want to be.

Only you can decide if you would like to complete it and I am sure that other people will tell you how useful they have found it as a starting point. I hope that you find the balance wheel useful first step on your journey of self-discovery, the answer is in the process not the destination. This tool will help you identify where the imbalances are so that you can make the choices and start the process to bring you and your life back into equilibrium,

Balance Wheel – Life 

This exercise is about the balance in your life. For each segment, ask yourself, “How satisfied am I in this area of my practice right now?”   The centre of each segment represents 0 and the outer edge 10 give each segment a number from zero to ten and indicating that by creating a new outer .

Examples the range of evaluations you may choose to use.

Notice two distinctions in the questions.

“How satisfied am I…” This is a subjective assessment.  It is not about how your family colleagues or neighbours see you; it is not about success; it is about personal satisfaction.


Aso notice “right now”.  This wheel is a snapshot.  Scores will change weekly, daily – even hourly as circumstances change.  Do not look for ultimate truth; just check in with how you feel in this moment

  • When you have created your new perimeter, what do you notice
  • What would you like it to look like in 6 months time?
  • Which are if you made developments or changes would have the biggest impact elsewhere?
  • What is just one thing that you can commit to doing that will begin to restore balance?

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