Thursday, 27 April 2023

Fear is a friend that is mis-understood

Dentists are stressed, many are suffering from lack of confidence, imposter syndrome, burn out, and if they have not left the NHS or the profession, they are thinking of doing so. Sound familiar?


As a society we have become hypnotised with the belief that anxiety and fear are a bad, they must be fought and overcome. It is exhausting waging war on our feelings and the many critical voices in our head all day every day.


As anyone told you your inner critic is actually your biggest ally or shown you how to befriend them for a peaceful life?


I have been offering therapeutic coaching for over 17 years, working with people, maybe like you, debilitated by inner critical voices, paralysed by anxiety, who are at their wits end, unable to sleep, some using prescription meds, others alcohol, sugar, drugs to drown out the constant internal criticism and fear that they are not good enough, frequently in tears, unable to cope. Some are just about to throw the towel in and give up on their training and a career they once loved. 


 In 100% my clients they discover that that fear is a friend that they have misunderstood. 


The fear and anxiety they were fighting and trying to shut down, was their inner wisdom trying to keep them safe. Once they learn how listen, and make friends with the fear, resoling all misunderstandings and miscommunications, the anxiety and fear vanish never to return, enabling my clients to move on with their lives, happy and free to dispense with the drugs and disabling habits they relied on previously. 


Breathe imagine, see, and feel what it is like liberated from fear and anxiety, listen to the quiet, encouraging voice in your head that gives you time to think. Lovely, isn’t it?


If you would like to discover what therapeutic coaching can do for you, book a taster session or a FREE CALL FRIDAY appointment. use the speak with Jane button to access our appointment book.


As soon as you are sick of anxiety, fear, or imposter syndrome, and  have decided that you want to  make friends and be free, get in touch, together let’s make the change.


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