Thursday, 21 March 2013

10 most common mistakes made when giving feedback

Are you good at giving feedback and constructive criticism?

For many dentists and practice managers it is the area of staff management they dislike most.

Here are the most common mistakes people make when giving feedback, how many do you make?

  1. Inappropriately timed
  2. Judgemental rather than descriptive
  3. General rather than specific
  4. Directed at an identity rather than a behaviour.
  5. Unsolicited
  6. Not making understanding checks
  7. Delivered in public
  8. Information overload
  9. Wrong presupposition.
  10. Does not include any praise

What are you going to take away and implement differently in your feedback sessions with staff?

 Let me know how you get on and if you would like to know more or would like some help implementing staff reviews please call me on 07989 757 884 or e mail

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