Monday, 7 January 2013

What do you want more of in 2013?

If you are like most people you have probable spent the last few weeks making plans for how you are going to make  2013 different from 2013. Most people are now back at work and or many the disgruntlement may be setting in already because the practice does not function as you want it to. You may remember buying your practice or setting up your squat because you wanted to do it differently, you wanted the patients to have a better experience, you wanted to work with happier more highly trained and motivated staff, and you wanted a higher quality of life, more time away from the practice, more time doing the treatments you love and more financial security.

Many of the dentists I work with started their practices for similar reasons and are now wondering to themselves where did it all go wrong?

Why are they working harder than ever for seemingly little reward, why do they find it so hard to pay the bill, why don’t the patients buy they treatment that is recommended or appreciate all the hard work that had gone into delivering the care, why are the staff always bitching and gossiping instead of getting on with what they should be doing?

Any of this sound familiar?

Let’s take 10-15 minutes out for a review of last year. if you were at the beginning of 2014, twelve months from now willed with enthusiasm, vigour and a sense of purposeful fulfilment what would have to be true about 2013 as compared to 2012?

Or to put it another way,

What do you want more of and what do you want less of?

Divide a piece of paper in to three columns as shown , in the left hand column list the areas of your life that you what to change, in the other two note down what you want more of and what do you want less of.

For example

Area of life
I want more of
I want less of
Holidays with my family
DIY tasks
Creating programmes and seminars
Routine business tasks
Time running
Being injured
Family and friends


If you would like some coaching to effect the changes you want call me on 07989 757 884 to arrange an appointment

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