Wednesday, 30 January 2013

A royal visit

Many of you know that I am passionate about giving back to the community; and work with a couple of charities providing my coaching services for free.  One of the charities I work with in this way is Circle Sports.

I have been working with Turley Humpries for several years, from the time she first decided, in my office. to establish  circle sports until now, with plans for well into the future.

We are all very excited because, yesterday, Circle sports was visited by Prince Charles and several leading business leaders who were keen to find out more about our project and why we are so successful at getting young people back into employment by providing them with the mind-set, skills and experience they need.

 To find out more about the royal visit, please use the link below.

 More information about circle sports can be found at



Monday, 21 January 2013

Does your time need taming?

  •     Are you always short of time and chasing around?
  •     Do you have piles of un-started or unfinished pieces of work?
  •     Do you frequently doing stuff to do with the practice, before work, after work, lunch times and weekends?
  •     Do you feel exhausted and as if your batteries are never fully recharged?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions your practice is not favoured, fantastic or fabulous, this tele-seminar is designed to you.

The time tamer
To register for this freetele-seminar Click here

The Time Tamer

To join in all you need is a computer or a telephone and an hour of your time

I guarantee that you will learn tips and techniques that have the potential to transform your time, increase your income and significantly improve the your physical, mental and emotional health. Increasing your revenue, and bringing more pleasure to your practice.

When you join me on this call, I will share with you some of my top strategies improve your practice, delight your patients and create more money.

Sounds like a really valuable way to spend an hour on a tele-seminar doesn’t it?

What difference would it make to your practice if you learnt these tools too?

 If you are ready to understand and discover 

The Time Tamer

You do want to be a part of this incredible tele-seminar don’t you?

When you register you will be e-mailed the call-in information and also receive additional free gift handbooks

If this is your first tele-seminar relax and enjoy, they are very easy and even more useful
Wednesday 13th February
Time 19.00 – 20.00 GMT
Duration approximately 60 minutes

Who should attend?
 This tele-seminar is perfect for any member of your team that in involved with the day-to-day operations of your practice, especially any team member who has contact with your patients, before, during or after their examination.

This is a must attend seminar for

  • Principal dentists and their Practice managers
  •  Associates
  • Anyone who is thinking about running their own practice

In a forward thinking practice the following will also benefit from attending
  • Hygienists and Therapists
  • Treatment Co-ordinators
  • Nurses
  • Receptionists

This tele-seminar is free to attend for multiple members of the same practice.
Register yourself and your team members here

What people like you have said about working with us 
“It has only been two months and with your help we have reactivated an amazing £20,000 worth of treatment with just a few phone calls.

Thank you very much for the clarity, focus and quick and easy solutions to reach my goals. I wish I had started working with again earlier.

Everyone at the practice is enjoying work more.”

Priti    Dentist Harrow

“Thank you Jane for an insightful and inspiring online seminar. A little redirection and a guided hand can work wonders. You have helped me become 'consciously competent' in what I need to do next.”
Chantelle Kirk Dental Practice Manager

“Interesting and Useful”
A Beveridge  Practice Manager London

“Thank you Jane for YOUR time. Your teleseminars are great for self-improvement and I always find them very insightful.”
Chantelle – The Dental Agency

"Fantastic!!- You really made the course interesting. Thank You"
Claire Haslemere Surrey

"I found it all really useful”

CH Dental Nurse Surrey

“Loved that it was personalised”
Jane Sheehan Buckinghamshire

One of the most informative and well managed tele-seminars I have ever been involved in." 

SF Dental Practice Manager

"Thanks for your advice and guidance on tonight’s call. Definitely gets you thinking...Look forward to the next call."
S.C. Dental Practice Manager

"Another brilliant seminar"
Dental Practice Manager Reading

What will you say?

Register here

Yes Jane, I want to be there and learn The Time Tamer

Please register me on to your free tele-seminar

Not able to attend?

If you are unable as a result of prior commitments, recordings will be available.

Save money and pre-order your recording now
Audio recording £25.00* (Pre ordered before the event only £15.00* saving £10.00)
Video recording £35.00* (Pre ordered before the event only £20.00* saving £15.00)
Twin pack £50 * saving £10.00  (Pre ordered before the event only £30.00* saving £20)
*Prices exclude VAT and P&P

To pre - register for your CD e mail me at
With the following details;
Your name
Practice Name and address
E mail address
Telephone numbers 
Date of Birth
Credit card details for payment

Many practice owners and practice managers, contact after my events, distressed that they have missed out on some valuable information, so we have created a comprehensive library of tele-seminar recordings. These provide an invaluable bank of ideas and tips to implement in your practice. If you have missed any of our tele-seminars and would like to catch up on the content please e-mail me and let me know which CDs you would like to order. 
Available as audio recordings

•    More profit from your appointment book
•    Great profits and how to make them (avoiding the financial mistakes many dentists make)
•    More profit from your recalls
•    Great referrals and how to get them
•    Perfect staff and how to find them
•    The art of writing a marketing plan
•    Creating a business card that generates patients
•    The 3 R’s to filling your appointment book
•    The top 10 reasons you should put your prices up in a recession
•    Financial security through a membership plan
•    The effective art of delegation - freeing your time
•    Simple steps to increase your cash flow today
•    Overcoming overwhelm and not having enough time
•    Steps to more patients more profit
•    Mind-set motivation and more money
•    Make 2012 your best year yet
•    How to get the practice you want now
•    Quick simple steps to improve your cash flow today
•    TNT – for explosive growth of your practice (Your secret weapon to happier patients and more money)

Available as both audio and video recordings

•    “Essential practice management systems for the 21st century practice” (How to generate an extra £20,000 a month without spending any money)
•    The fantastic practice – Frustration to fabulous in five simple steps.

Order 5 and get the sixth free

Next month save money and pre-order your recording
Audio recording £25.00* (Pre ordered before the event only £15.00* saving £10.00)
Video recording £35.00* (Pre ordered before the event only £20.00* saving £15.00)
Twin pack £50 * saving £10.00 (Pre ordered before the event only £30.00* saving £20)

In 2013 the tele- seminars will be held on the second Wednesday of the month between 19:00 and 20:00.
If you would like Jane to cover a specific issue please e mail us to let us know what you would like Jane to focus on.
Date                Area of practice to be covered

  • January 9th                   Compelling values based vision
  • February 13th               Time management and planning
  • March 13th                   Complete financial control
  • April 10th                      Customer service
  • May 8th                        Team and teamwork
  • June 12th                     Sales and selling skills
  • July 10th                      Effective self-funding marketing
  • August 14th                 Inspirational leadership   
  • September 11th           Business systems and organisation   
  • October 9th                 Environment, equipment and facilities
  • November 11th            Core skills
  • December 13th            Self-care

What other dentists and team members, like you have said about our tele-seminars.
What will you be saying?

“Thanks Jane, that was great. I will be in touch about organising that coaching session”
S.M. Orthodontist

“Really informative and very useful tips”

F Pessian, Dentist London

“Innovative, good ideas – useful”
S. Murray – Galway

"Thanks for teleseminar -Good stuff- making marketing a lot clearer"
 PJ dental Principal Harrow

“Thank you Jane for YOUR time. Your teleseminars are great for self-improvement and I always find them very insightful.”

Chantelle – The Dental agency

Register now for the Febuary Tele-seminar The Time Tamer 

Spaces are limited, book your place early.
 Click here or visit

Friday, 18 January 2013

Do you want to make 2013 your best year yet?

 Do you want to make 2013 your best year yet?
• Do you feel that you have lost your way?
• Have you forgotten why you wanted to become a dentist?
• Have you got an exit strategy or a plan for when you retire?
• Do you feel unmotivated and uninspired when you have to go to the practice?
• Have you avoided writing a business plan because you don’t know what you want?

If you answered yes to any of these questions our featured course of the month, Create your best year yet is perfect for you.

This course will enable you to be clear about what you want from your practice and your life and enable you to create a compelling vision that you can translate in to a working plan.

Ideal for all members of a team that want to make 2013 their best year yet.
Length        1 day
£1800 excluding VAT, travel and subsistence

This month's special offer
Make a booking for the product of the month* and you will receive a free gift valued £1500
*booking conditions apply

 “Your essential practice companion” valued £1500

Your essential practice companion is a series of 21 audios, 21 sets of slides 21 workbooks and two videos that give you 1000’s of tips and step by step guides that will make your good practice great

The invaluable gems include;
•    More profit from your appointment book
•    Great profits and how to make them (avoiding the financial mistakes many dentists make)
•    More profit from your recalls
•    Great referrals and how to get them
•    Perfect staff and how to find them
•    The art of writing a marketing plan
•    Creating a business card that generates patients
•    The 3 R’s to filling your appointment book
•    The top 10 reasons you should put your prices up in a recession
•    Financial security through a membership plan
•    The effective art of delegation - freeing your time
•    Simple steps to increase your cash flow today
•    Overcoming overwhelm and not having enough time
•    Steps to more patients more profit
•    Mind-set motivation and more money
•    Make this year your best year yet
•    How to get the practice you want now
•    Quick simple steps to improve your cash flow today
•    TNT – for explosive growth of your practice (Your secret weapon to happier patients and more money)
•    “Essential practice management systems for the 21st century practice” (How to generate an extra £20,000 a month without spending any money)
•    The fantastic practice – Frustration to fabulous in five simple steps.

Call 07989 757 884 to book your  training day* and receive your £1500 gift
*booking conditions apply

*Booking conditions
Make a booking for the product of the month, before Friday 8th February (the event can be held anytime in the following four months) and you will your free gift valued at £1500

Call 07989 757 884 or e mail now to choose your preferred dates.

Friday, 11 January 2013

Win a dental coaching and training session valued £300.

Win a dental coaching and training session valued £300.

To win an hour of free coaching session valued at £300 send an e mail titled January Prize Draw to answering the questions below and the first person out of the hat will win a one hour coaching session free.

January prize draw questions

• On a range from 0 to 10, where zero is completely inadequate, and 10 is perfect how satisfied are you with your life?

• If a miracle happened to night and you woke up tomorrow morning living your perfect dream life, what would be different?

• Are you ready to make 2013 your best year yet?

Send your answers to
The closing date to submit your answers is Friday 8th February
The winner will be announced in the March 2013 newsletter.

This month it could be you – send in your entry today.

This is what our previous winners have said;

“I have been quite staggered by the progress we have made since we last spoke” RD Dentist Warwickshire

“I think you are excellent”
JT Dentist Ireland

“Thank you very much for a wonderful coaching session. I feel empowered again”
PJ dentist Harrow

Some of our previous winners include
Dr Claudia Muegge
Dr Elaine Hope
Dr Stephen Murray
Dr Alistair Saleem
Dr Priti Joshi

Top 10 tips to help you choose the right coach.

Top 10 tips to help you choose the right coach.

A recent Google search for coaches revealed the following results
Business Coach                   800.000,000

Dental Business Coach         18,200,000

Dental coach                      39,100,000

 With this quantity of listings it is potentially difficult to find the right coach. Choosing the wrong one can be a very expensive mistake. Simon Coops, Chief Executive of Acuity Coaching, “Coaches are charging up to £1,500 per hour and there are no means of telling good from bad.”

 In this article I give you the top 10 things to consider so you make the right choice first time.

  • Check their qualifications
Once you have decided that you are ready to make a change and work with a coach, the next step is check their qualifications. “It’s worryingly easy to do a short course and set yourself up as a coach and, even though there are a number of accreditation bodies, they have varying reputations,” says Kevin Bright, Director of Business Psychologists, YSC. Moreover the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) journal, ‘Coaching at Work’, says, “Don’t accept qualifications at face value. Some reputable sounding organisations hand out coaching diplomas for a three-day course.” John McGurk, CIPD Adviser Learning Training and Development recommends, “Find out what training and qualifications they have and if you are not familiar with them, follow them up.”
Unlike dentistry there is not yet a universally accepted coaching register and there are many coaches in the coaching market place who have done very little training or no formal training at all.
Ask your prospective coach details about their coach training, who they trained with, their trainer’s providence as a coach, how long it was and how much coaching they did as part of their qualifications. 
  • Check their accreditation
Once you have ensured that that your coach has qualified from a reputable organisation, such as International Teaching Seminars, you will next need to check their accreditations.
John McGurk, CIPD, recommends, “Find out if they are a member of a professional body, and at what level. In other words, have they joined on the web and paid a tenner or does their membership mean signing up to things such as continuing professional development or a code of conduct?”
Professional coaching bodies provide guidelines for best practice. They are to coaching what the General Dental Council is to dentists, or the Law Society is to Solicitors. In the UK, professional bodies include the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and the Association of Coaches.  ICF accreditation cannot be achieved without a rigorous level of training, a comprehensive log of coaching hours, adherence to a code of conduct, demonstration of core coaching skills, active supervision, commitment to post-graduate education, a written examination and a practical coaching exam. At present this cannot be said for all other professional bodies which have different criteria for accreditation.

  • Choose coach involved with mentoring
Coach mentoring is a formal process that your coach should be involved with, regularly working with a more qualified coach mentor, reflecting and evaluating their performance with clients and sharing expertise. Supervision has two purposes, ensuring the continued learning and development of your coach, and providing a degree of protection for their clients by maintaining standards.
Coach mentoring is essential for maintaining standards, and yet a recent study by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) has found that only 44% of coaches are involved in supervision although this rises to 75% of coaches who are members of a professional body.
Ask your prospective coach about their mentor, their mentor’s qualifications; how long they have been in supervision and how often they meet.

  • Continued professional development and post-graduate education
By now you have found a potential coach that is qualified, next you need to check that they are involved in a process of Continued Professional Development and Post-graduate Education. Ask your coach what courses, conferences and workshops they attend, which coaching journals and books do they read regularly, are they involved in coaching networks and co-coaching groups.

  • Experience, references and testimonials
Now you will have honed down the potential coaches you have available to you, and are ready to start asking how much experience your potential coach has. Coaches involved with ongoing accreditation processes will keep a coaching log book and will easily be able to give you an accurate number of how many hours coaching experience they have, the numbers of clients.

 John McGurk, CIPD recommends, “Specifically ask them how many hours coaching they have and how many assignments they have delivered on, including what kinds of issues. If they don’t have a coaching logbook then it could be that they’ve trained and never practiced, which is as useful as a teacher who has never taught.” Some of your friends may be unwilling to admit that they have worked with a coach reluctant to share their great experiences. Your coach will have a collection of testimonial letters and comments. Ask to see it.

  • Coaching tool kit.

How comprehensive are your coach’s resources and how flexible is their approach to coaching? Be wary of coaches who use one coaching model in all situations, as with clothes, one size does not really fit all. Coaches with NLP backgrounds, particularly if they are Master Practitioners will have a vast number of coaching skills at their fingertips with the flexibility to move between and combine models. This ensures you get what you set out to achieve, coping with what ever issues come up in your session. Ask your coach about their coaching philosophy, style and what range of coaching tools they use.

  • Whose agenda does your coach work to?
Coaching is all about YOU and you reaching your goals. Be very vary of coaches that offer a one size fits all solution or who are unwilling to explore different business models, it is your practice and your coach’s job is to help you discover and create the solution that is right for you.

 Make sure that your coach is prepared to work to your agenda when it comes to scheduling sessions, and be flexible in your approach. Do you want a one-off session, and then return again later, or do you want weekly sessions, or a combination of the two?

 Most coaches agree that the clients, just like the patients you treat with active perio disease, that achieve the most and get the best results are the ones that are committed to a frequent and regular sessions. Discuss with your coach what is right for you. Do you want your coach to work with you face-to-face, or on the telephone? You will probably  experience greater insights and get the most benefit insights when you meet your coach away from your home or workplace, and you can be inquisitive about how powerful telephone coaching is, alternatively, choose a combination of the two.


  • Choose a coach who has a coach.
By now you are coming towards the end of your selection process and are probably intrigued by how committed to the process of coaching your coach is. Would you buy ortho from a dentist with crooked teeth, perio treatment from a specialist with bleeding gums and stinky breath or meat from a butcher who was a vegetarian? Of course you wouldn’t. So if coaching is so great you would obviously want a coach who is committed to the process and has their own coach wouldn’t you?

 Choose a coach who is so committed to the environment of change that coaching provides that they have their own coach. Ask your coach about their coach, how long have they been in coaching, what are their significant outcomes as a result of coaching? Choose a coach with integrity and who ‘walks the talk’.

  • Know what you want
Before you commission a coach it is a great idea to have thought about the areas that you would like your coach to work with you on, think about the problems you are having and the outcomes that you want to achieve. If you don’t know what you want, but you know what you don’t want, or what you are not prepared to tolerate any longer, that works too.  It could be an issue about a business development, management/leadership performance or even a health or behavioural problem you may have.

 If your outcome is a little hazy, you can relax, a good coach will spend time with you, tuning, tweaking and clarifying so that you are crystal clear about outcomes that fit you.

  • Book an initial intake session before committing.
By now you are really be in the place where you are ready to commission your coach. Before you sign up to a coaching programme, it is important to check that you get on with your coach. Just with patients there are some that we get on with and some that we don’t, some that are best treated by a colleague not because you don’t have the skills you just don’t have the personality fit.

 Book and pay for a taster session or an initial intake session. A taster session will generally be a short session of 30 minutes to one hour  and an intake sessions typically a couple of hours. Obviously an intake session and will give you and your coach a better opportunity to find out how well you are going to work together and give you more information about how your coach works and what results you can expect.

Use the time to discuss how you would like your coach to support you, what level of accountability you want them to hold you to, explore what you want to achieve and the evidence for that. This time is for you to design the coaching alliance that will be supporting you in the future.

Now you are happy with your coach’s credentials, experience and skills and you both get on, commission them, start the process and begin to live the life that until now you have only dreamed of. 

If you would like to know more about dental business coaching, training events for dental teams or NLP  for dentists by Dr Jane Lelean, please contact her at or on 07989 757 884.


What a difference coaching makes

Today I received an e mail from a client out of the blue sumarising how she has benifited from working with me.

With her permission I would like thank her for sharing this with me and allowing me to share it with you.

Specific changes since we started working with Jane                      

ü    Developed systems for regular recalls and reactivation, This has improved patient loyalty and practice cash-flow by 15%

ü    Profit made of £20,000 within 3 months

ü    Developed systems for everything and continue to do so –improving teamwork and staff motivation. Everyone enjoys coming to work and are happy to do new things.
ü    Practice meetings are planned and all scheduled in

ü    Developed staff and provide on-going, training. training aids developed.

ü    Added third surgery for hygienist and we have increased her days at the practice by 3 – 4 days a week to add to practice profits

 Ã¼    Improved patient experience and we are getting more referrals. 

ü    Increased patient uptake of treatment plans to increase practice profits due to Sales training with Jane. 

ü    Increased cash flow with methods shown by Jane and again this has added to practice profits 

ü    Increased sales generally of sundries –again increased profits 

ü    We have consistent bookings for dentist and hygienist and we are booking ahead 10 days for dentists and 3 weeks for hygienist 

ü    Increased time for professional development and personal life-not chasing tail anymore and am able to run the business better and am able to make informed decisions to grow practice and have achieved more in last 12 months than last 5 years. Impatient to reach all goals as soon as possible. Personally made better profits  

ü    So satisfying to live with values and feel I don’t have to pretend anymore. Grateful Jane has identified values and I understand them. The team all seem much more in harmony as a result. 

ü    Patients keep telling us they are constantly surprised each time they come to the practice they notice changes.

ü    Reduced costs by 15%

ü    Increased profits by £40,000 so far 

ü    Very Clear about the practice and it comes across including increased confidence. 

ü    Worked hard but feel content. Didn’t seem taxing.

Jane communicates very well. She is gifted. Has a lot of knowledge and is able to provide help in every instance. Amazed Jane retains so much information. I have learned to apply information given to personal and professional life and it is so much easier. I look forward to the coaching sessions.
If you too would like to experience the same benifits in your practice call me on
07989 757 885 or e mail me on to find out more.

Monday, 7 January 2013

What do you want more of in 2013?

If you are like most people you have probable spent the last few weeks making plans for how you are going to make  2013 different from 2013. Most people are now back at work and or many the disgruntlement may be setting in already because the practice does not function as you want it to. You may remember buying your practice or setting up your squat because you wanted to do it differently, you wanted the patients to have a better experience, you wanted to work with happier more highly trained and motivated staff, and you wanted a higher quality of life, more time away from the practice, more time doing the treatments you love and more financial security.

Many of the dentists I work with started their practices for similar reasons and are now wondering to themselves where did it all go wrong?

Why are they working harder than ever for seemingly little reward, why do they find it so hard to pay the bill, why don’t the patients buy they treatment that is recommended or appreciate all the hard work that had gone into delivering the care, why are the staff always bitching and gossiping instead of getting on with what they should be doing?

Any of this sound familiar?

Let’s take 10-15 minutes out for a review of last year. if you were at the beginning of 2014, twelve months from now willed with enthusiasm, vigour and a sense of purposeful fulfilment what would have to be true about 2013 as compared to 2012?

Or to put it another way,

What do you want more of and what do you want less of?

Divide a piece of paper in to three columns as shown , in the left hand column list the areas of your life that you what to change, in the other two note down what you want more of and what do you want less of.

For example

Area of life
I want more of
I want less of
Holidays with my family
DIY tasks
Creating programmes and seminars
Routine business tasks
Time running
Being injured
Family and friends


If you would like some coaching to effect the changes you want call me on 07989 757 884 to arrange an appointment

Top 3 reasons to collect client testimonials

I find many people are nervous about asking their clients and patients for testimonials, this probably proving very costly to your business.

The top three reasons for asking for testimonials are;

ü  Provides social proof that you are skilled. Patients and clients often need reassurance that you are the right dentist for them. You are usually asking them to invest a significant amount of money into something that they may not really understand what or why. They need reassurance; hearing from another patient who has had similar treatment and is delighted with the outcome is often the key to providing that reassurance.

ü  Your clients feel valued. When you ask a client for feedback, especially if you ask them face to face rather than using a questionnaire, they know that as far as you are concerned their opinion really counts, this makes them feel valued and deepens the trust. This is especially true if they have a criticism and you can take it on board without judgement or justification. You patients are already buying from you and paying your fee which means they do like you and trust you, and they generally want you to do well, so they are highly likely to give you a glowing testimonial.

ü  Makes you and your team feel good. When someone pays us a compliment most of us get a warm radiant glowing feeling, and when they say something great about our work or our team most of us feel proud. We all have bad days and occasional letters of complaint, having a volume of thank you’s and testimonials make a perfect antidote.


I turned on my computer this morning to an amazing e mail from a client, which I thought I would share with you, it will certainly reassure anyone thinking about choosing me as their coach, I know my client feels valued and it made me feel good to receive it.

“Thank you Jane

For opening my eyes, before working with you I feel I was walking around with my eyes and ears shut , you helped and encouraged me during very hard times in my business,

Because of your guidance, coaching and knowledge that you have given me, today I am much healthier and wealthier person.

Thank you for all your hard work with me.”

 Forouzan Pessian

Specialist Prosthodontist & Oral Surgeon

Make asking for testimonials one of your habits for 2013. If you don’t know how to do it effortlessly or do not feel confident call me on 07989 757 884 and I can share my simple three step process that works every time.