While working with a client who started our session in a very dark and bleak place, I was reminded of the importance of training our mind to focus on our successes, on a daily basis.
Celebration of what is working really well appears to be a habit that many people have swopped for focussing on their failures and then they wonder why they feel so bad.
I would like to share with you two habits I have developed and share with my clients that help them to change their perceptions by noticing things differently.
• At the end of each day, back-track over the events of the day reflect and notice all your successes. Select the top five successes(and yes I know you will begin to find that you have had many more) and ask the following questions.
a. Why do you consider this to be successes, or what is its importance?
b. Where can you make further progress in the same area of success?
c. What specific action is needed that will lead to this progress?
Do this for consecutive days, writing the answers into a notebook or pad of paper. At the end of 21 days look back and notice how far you have come. What other skills, capabilities and ways of thinking have you developed over the 21 days of doing this process successfully? What are some of the ways that you have already noticed that you have surpassed your own expectations and achievements. Go celebrate some more.
• The second thing that I really love to do is my ‘happiness dance.’ Something everyone should have! A little gig associated with a jubilant cheer that you do when ever something goes well irrespective of where you are and who you are with. Those of you who know me will vouch I really do do this in public, because it works and it is fun. :-)
And my client from yesterday after sharing with her some simply powerful NLP techniques, taking her through day one of her 21 day process she said at the end “I have no idea what you have done but I feel fantastic”.
Maybe that’s why my personal trainer says what I do is voodoo and as I keep telling him if it is good enough for Clive Woodward and a winning rugby squad it is good enough for me!
You may or may not be certain that I can help you now, to find out how true it is, Call me 01296 770462 or e mial me jane@healthyand wealthy.co.uk
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