How many have you ‘over done it’ this weekend?
One of the characteristics of dentists is that we do work hard and play hard, which is not always a healthy way to live. Moderation can be much more satisfying and sustainable.
Over the weekend I have been designing a short coaching exercise to help you if you are overdoing something, could be anything examples may include
• Over eating
• Over drinking
• Over spending
• Over demanding
• Over angry
• Over possessive
• Over bearing
• Over interfering
• Over critical
1. Make a list that your habit is not serving you well.
For example if one of your habits is over spending, it may result in some of the following, creating worry, penny pinching at work, inappropriate treatment planning, lack of sleep, short temperedness, untruthfulness.
2. Identify what your story of justification is.
For example you may say to yourself, “ my colleagues won respect me unless I have the latest I phone” or “A new laptop is absolutley essential for my business” or “ If I buy it not it is on special offer I will save in the long run” whatever your stories are that support and justify your behaviour, list them now.
3. Write a new story.
Re-read what you have already written and now write a new story that is supportive. For example, “Bank charges are wasted money, the more I save the less I waste” or “I can recognise the difference between wants and need and I choose only to buy what I really need” or “the best things in life are free and I deserve only the best”
4. Make a new choices
Spend the next day observing your behaviours and thought patterns, as you recognise those old stories, thoughts and behaviours that previously resulted in your old habit, acknowledge it, say “thank you “ and do something different. Experiment with this approach one moment at a time and notice how easily you are able to change as a result. Overspending can easily become frugal, over angry can become peaceful, over eating can become satiated and over drinking, sober.
5. Give thanks
As you do this exercise remember to consistently praise yourself and celebrate the new choices you are making and the new habits that are developing as a result.
6. Look back and notice what other wondrous events that have happened as a result
I wonder if you could now imagine that you have done this exercise regularly for the next three months, and in your imagination look back to now having made the changes that you wanted, what are some of the other ways that your life has been enriched as a result?
For more information on how coaching with can will transform your practice and your life, call her now 01296 770 462 or 07989 757 884 or e mail jane@healthyandwealthy.co.uk
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