Friday, 27 August 2010
The five laws of stratospheric success - Part 3
In their amazing book ‘The Go Giver' , Bob Burg and John David Mann share their five laws of stratospheric success
2. The law of influence
Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first
In the book, the central character is asked to take action toward each of the five laws within 24 hours of being introduced to them.
I am curious to know what do you do already and what more can you do to put your other people’s interests first? Other people this maybe family, friends, patients, colleagues or complete strangers anyone.
What can you do today to put someone else’s needs above your own?
I remember Mike Wise once told me about when he first set up his practice, there he was with a gorgeous surgery on Wimpole Street with outgoings that I don’t really want to think about. He opened his doors for business, and in walked his first patient, who needed a root canal treatment (RCT). Mike had already decided that even though he a is one of the finest clinicians in the UK his patients were best served by having their RCT done by a specialist endodontist.
What a dilemma Mike had a source of income to pay the bills if he did the treatment versus the belief that his patient would be best served by referring them out.
Mike put his patient’s interests first and referred the patient out.
What would you have done?
I have been following a thread on one of the dental forums about opening hours for dental practices, and shocked to realise how many practices follow the convention of 9.00 am. – 5.00 pm and closed for lunch between 1.00 and 2.00.
What could be some of the amazing possibilities and opportunities that open up to you and for you if you considered what your patient’s interests were when deciding on your opening hours?
And finally to strangers what are some of the ways in which your life could be enriched by putting other people first, whether it be by letting another driver out of a junction first, or buying a sandwich for a vagrant?
I invite you to try it and see for yourself, put someone else's interest ahead of yours.
“When all is said and done a lot more is said then done”
Make a difference take action on the law of influence and let me know what happens as a result. Comment here
If you want stratospheric success for your practice, or success that is more down to earth, call me now and I will help you achieve it.
01296 770462 or 07989 757 884 or e mail
Thursday, 26 August 2010
The five laws of stratospheric success - Part 2
In their amazing book ‘The Go Giver ‘, Bob Burg and John David Mann share their five laws of stratospheric success
2. The law of compensation
Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.
In the book, the central character is asked to take action toward each of the five laws within 24 hours of being introduced to them.
So now as you recall and imagine your practice, your patients and staff, what can you actually do that,
a. Adds a real service to them?
b. Increases the number of people you serve?
Is it as simple as answering the ringing phone when you notice your receptionist is really busy, or drying out a patients wet and soggy shoes whilst they are having treatment. Can you increase the number of people you serve by altering your opening hours, or adding value to your staff and patients by scheduling regular monthly practice training sessions?
What can you and will you do today?
Whatever actions you take today in complying with the law of compensation, comment below to tell me.
If you want stratospheric success for your practice, or success that is more down to earth, call me now and I will help you achieve it.
01296 770462 or 07989 757 884 or e mail
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
The five laws of stratospheric success - Part 1
In their amazing book ‘The Go Giver ‘, Bob Burg and John David Mann share their five laws of stratospheric success
The law of Value
Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.
As you think about your practice your patients and staff,
• Where do you add real value?
• How much extra value do you add?
• If you started to add to people’s experience, how much more of a difference could you make to them and those around you?
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Like attracts like
“When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world.
I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn't change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn't change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my family. Now, as an old man,
I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and suddenly I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world.”
Author Unknown
One of my fellow coaches often tells his clients “If you want to see what you have been thinking, look around you.”
It may be a tough lesson to learn and if we are not surrounded by what we want we have to look to ourselves to change it.
If you want a practice filled with patients who turn up on time how what do you need to do differently to be on time yourself?
If you want to work with a team that is supportive and goes the extra mile what can you do that supports them and goes the extra mile for them?
If you want your patients to pay you on time and with gratitude, how can you make sure you pay your debts on time and with gratitude first.
Where you lead others will follow.
If you want help making the creating the practice you really want to work in call me now 01296 770 462 or 07989 757 884 or emial me
Monday, 23 August 2010
Creating the change you want
How many have you ‘over done it’ this weekend?
One of the characteristics of dentists is that we do work hard and play hard, which is not always a healthy way to live. Moderation can be much more satisfying and sustainable.
Over the weekend I have been designing a short coaching exercise to help you if you are overdoing something, could be anything examples may include
• Over eating
• Over drinking
• Over spending
• Over demanding
• Over angry
• Over possessive
• Over bearing
• Over interfering
• Over critical
1. Make a list that your habit is not serving you well.
For example if one of your habits is over spending, it may result in some of the following, creating worry, penny pinching at work, inappropriate treatment planning, lack of sleep, short temperedness, untruthfulness.
2. Identify what your story of justification is.
For example you may say to yourself, “ my colleagues won respect me unless I have the latest I phone” or “A new laptop is absolutley essential for my business” or “ If I buy it not it is on special offer I will save in the long run” whatever your stories are that support and justify your behaviour, list them now.
3. Write a new story.
Re-read what you have already written and now write a new story that is supportive. For example, “Bank charges are wasted money, the more I save the less I waste” or “I can recognise the difference between wants and need and I choose only to buy what I really need” or “the best things in life are free and I deserve only the best”
4. Make a new choices
Spend the next day observing your behaviours and thought patterns, as you recognise those old stories, thoughts and behaviours that previously resulted in your old habit, acknowledge it, say “thank you “ and do something different. Experiment with this approach one moment at a time and notice how easily you are able to change as a result. Overspending can easily become frugal, over angry can become peaceful, over eating can become satiated and over drinking, sober.
5. Give thanks
As you do this exercise remember to consistently praise yourself and celebrate the new choices you are making and the new habits that are developing as a result.
6. Look back and notice what other wondrous events that have happened as a result
I wonder if you could now imagine that you have done this exercise regularly for the next three months, and in your imagination look back to now having made the changes that you wanted, what are some of the other ways that your life has been enriched as a result?
For more information on how coaching with can will transform your practice and your life, call her now 01296 770 462 or 07989 757 884 or e mail
Friday, 20 August 2010
One of the secrets as to why other people don’t achieve their goals
One of the secrets as to why other people don’t achieve their goals
I have recently read some great insight from Michael Neill about why we often don’t achieve our goals. Michael suggest that one of the reasons we don’t achieve our goals is as a result of the second half of our goal statement that is unspoken and therefore denied
To use one of Michael’s examples your goal may be
“I want to be a millionaire”
The unspecified second half of the phrase may fall into one of three categories
• Conditions
• Consequences
• Conjecture
• Conditions – if the second half of your goal is conditional it will limit what is possible
“I want to be a millionaire” (so long as I don’t have to work 8-10 hours a day)
“I want to be a millionaire” (providing I don’t have to do anything too scary)
“I want to be a millionaire” (by doing exactly what I want to do when I want to do it)
• Consequences - if the second half of your goal statement is consequences, it will reveal what you really want
“I want to be a millionaire” (so I can make a real difference to the planet)
“I want to be a millionaire” (and then I’ll be happy)
“I want to be a millionaire” (so I’ll never have to worry about money again)
• Conjecture –if the second half of your goal is conjecture it will make assumptions about, if, how and when it will occur)
“I want to be a millionaire” (but it is never going to happen)
“I want to be a millionaire” (and that means that I’m going to have to work 18 hours a day at something I don’t really enjoy)
“I want to be a millionaire” (but I don’t want to miss my kids growing up)
I invite you to take a few moments to write a list of your top 5 goals and for each of them consider what are all the second halves of the phrase that until now you have not expressed? You will probably find that you have several second halves for each goal.
Next experiment with some new endings such as,
“I want to be a millionaire” (and I will achieve it by doing something I love)
“I want to be a millionaire” (and then I can make a real difference)
“I want to be a millionaire” (and it is going to be an amazing adventure and I will met many fabulously inspiring people along the way)
Keep experimenting until you find the endings that inspire you.
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
What are your biggest wants and greatest fears?
I was talking with a client earlier today, about what were their biggest wants and fears in both their business and their personal life. The conversation arose as my client asked me “How do I develop greater influence with my clients so they make better use of our services?”
When was the last time you also wondered how you could help your patients make better use of your services?
How many of your patients would have healthier mouths if you were able to get them to see the hygienist more regularly and what impact would that have on your bottom line?
Which of your patients would have a better quality of life if they had their spaces filled, RCT’s done, cracked teeth crowned etc?
Our ability to enable our patients to choose to have the best treatment for them, is a result of how well we are able to understand them. When we understand them they trust us and when they trust us they will choose us to do their dentistry.
Before you consider your patients wants and fears, I would invite you to consider what are your 3 biggest wants and your 3 biggest fears, and let me know what they are by using the comment option on my blog posts.
The three things I want most are,
The three things I fear most are,
Alternatively, you can e mail me directly on
Monday, 16 August 2010
Change the structure, change the outcome
A friend was asking me the other day “How is NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) different from Psychotherapy?”
My initial glib reply was “Other than it works?” ( because I saw my first shrink at 5 years old and did not deal with my ‘stuff’ until I discovered NLP some 35+ years later, I feel that I am qualified to make that throw away comment)
I explained to my friend that NLP focuses on the how rather than the why.
To illustrate the difference I relayed an experience of a client who came to me feeling over whelmed, depressed and in the process of destroying their business. One of the patterns of this client is that she was forever telling her story about how bad things are, and how life is forever dealing her a poor hand. As a result she had developed a victim mentality, and was spending almost all of her time associated into her bad feelings.
Much to the client’s surprise (and chagrin) I did not invite her to tell me about what was causing her to feel bad. Rather I asked her to associate into her bad feeling and pay attention to it, I asked her to notice a number of things about the structure of her bad feeling and how she was able to make herself feel bad, these included,
• Where it started in her body
• How large it was
• What colour it was
• Which way it rotated
• How fast the spin was
• What the noise associated with it was.
Once she had noticed how she did a bad feeling, we set about changing it, taking it out of her body, so she could see it I then asked her to alter it in a number of ways including
• Speed the spin up
• Change the colour
• Change the noise
• Flip it round it had the opposite direction of spin.
Once my client had played around altering the structure of her bad feeling, I invited her to bring it back to the original location; her immediate response was how different she felt.
I then invited my client to practice taking the bad feeling out, and changing the structure, bringing back in and feeling good. We repeated this process time and time again very quickly so within a few minutes she had developed a new reflex action changing a bad feeling to a good one.
Almost before we finished the process I asked my client to experience again her bad experiences with her new skill that instantly changed her bad feeling to a good one and finally associated into herself doing this in the future, noticing all the amazing experiences, opportunities and other things that happen as a result of her being able to change a bad feeling into a good one immediately.
This is the unsolicited client feedback
“I just wanted to drop you a line to thank you so much for our session last week. As I said several times throughout the day I thought about cancelling as I really couldn't see how you could help me at this even though I know what an amazing business coach you are I felt this was different and I just couldn't pull myself out of it. I am so glad I came I still don't know how you did it but I feel so much better and positive again. I really am focused and have even managed to smile through some of the other stuff over the last few days.
Thank you so much I really appreciate you putting yourself out for me it really did help”
The change occurs not because my client understood how she felt bad, but she now had a new set of choices and new skill set that enable her to transmute a bad feeling into a good one, by understanding how to change the structure.
If you want to make changes in your life, do it the quick, easy and lasting way, call me for your first NLP coaching session on 01296 770462 or e mail
Friday, 13 August 2010
Where is your attention and what are the results?
While working with a client who started our session in a very dark and bleak place, I was reminded of the importance of training our mind to focus on our successes, on a daily basis.
Celebration of what is working really well appears to be a habit that many people have swopped for focussing on their failures and then they wonder why they feel so bad.
I would like to share with you two habits I have developed and share with my clients that help them to change their perceptions by noticing things differently.
• At the end of each day, back-track over the events of the day reflect and notice all your successes. Select the top five successes(and yes I know you will begin to find that you have had many more) and ask the following questions.
a. Why do you consider this to be successes, or what is its importance?
b. Where can you make further progress in the same area of success?
c. What specific action is needed that will lead to this progress?
Do this for consecutive days, writing the answers into a notebook or pad of paper. At the end of 21 days look back and notice how far you have come. What other skills, capabilities and ways of thinking have you developed over the 21 days of doing this process successfully? What are some of the ways that you have already noticed that you have surpassed your own expectations and achievements. Go celebrate some more.
• The second thing that I really love to do is my ‘happiness dance.’ Something everyone should have! A little gig associated with a jubilant cheer that you do when ever something goes well irrespective of where you are and who you are with. Those of you who know me will vouch I really do do this in public, because it works and it is fun. :-)
And my client from yesterday after sharing with her some simply powerful NLP techniques, taking her through day one of her 21 day process she said at the end “I have no idea what you have done but I feel fantastic”.
Maybe that’s why my personal trainer says what I do is voodoo and as I keep telling him if it is good enough for Clive Woodward and a winning rugby squad it is good enough for me!
You may or may not be certain that I can help you now, to find out how true it is, Call me 01296 770462 or e mial me jane@healthyand
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Are you a firefighter?
The Urgency Index (Covey, 1994)
Circle the number along the matrix that most closely represents your normal behaviours or attitudes – 0 = never 5= always
I seem to do my best work when under pressure
1 2 3 4 5
I often blame the rush and pressure of external things for my failure to spend time planning and preparing
1 2 3 4 5
I am often frustrated by the slowness of people and things around me. I hate waiting
1 2 3 4 5
I feel guilty when I take time off work
1 2 3 4 5
I always seem to be rushing between places and events
1 2 3 4 5
I frequently find myself pushing people away so that I can finish a project
1 2 3 4 5
I feel anxious when I’m out of touch with the office for more than a few minutes
1 2 3 4 5
I’m often preoccupied with one thing when I am doing something else
1 2 3 4 5
I’m at my best when handling a crisis situation
1 2 3 4 5
The adrenaline rush from a new crisis seems more satisfying to me than the steady accomplishment of long-term results
1 2 3 4 5
I often give up quality time with important people in my life to handle a crisis at work
1 2 3 4 5
I assume people will naturally understand if I have to disappoint them or let things go in order to handle a crisis
1 2 3 4 5
I rely on solving some crisis to give my day a sense of meaning and purpose
1 2 3 4 5
I often eat lunch or other meals while I work
1 2 3 4 5
I keep thinking that someday I’ll be able to do what I really want to do
1 2 3 4
A huge stack in my out tray at the end of the day makes me feel like I have been really productive
1 2 3 4 5
Total out of /80
What's your score?
If it is greater than 50 you are probably a firefighter
If it is greater than 60 you primary role is probably suffering because you are spending most your time fire fighting dealing with urgent tasks that may or may not be important. If you carry onlike this your performance will suffer along with your career prospects, earning potential, relationships and health if they have not done so already.
Call me now to find out how to be more effective in what you are doing, and how to delegate. 01296 770462
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
transforming a can't to a can
"If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it, even if I did not have the ability in the beginning."
- Mahatma Gandhi
For those who have worked with a coach and for those of you who are realising that you would like to start to one with one like me, you will be aware that as your coach, my role is to elicit from you those things that you want to be doing or being that enable you to be your authentic self.
It is the role of a trainer or consultant to tell you what they think you should be doing. And whilst you may recruit your coach to provide an element of training some of the key responsibilities of your coach is to
• Discover, clarify, and align with what, you, the client wants to achieve
• Support you in defining and reaching your goals, to be living the life you want to live.
• Encourage you in your own self-discovery
• Challenge you with powerful questions.
• Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies
• Request that you take action.
• Hold you, the client, responsible and accountable for the actions you commit to.
In my experience clients find the coaching experience extremely liberating, discovering ideas and plans that they find exciting, fulfilling purposeful and important. My clients always come up with more appropriate ideas for them than I could suggest.
What is often curious is that my clients will very often come up with an idea or plan, that really fills them with excitement and purpose, and quick as a flash a voice in their head will utter “You can’t do that!”
I become really curious, because two things I hold to be true whenever I am coaching are that
• The voice in our head is always seeking to serve us in some way. It could be that it wants to protect you from failure, embarrassment, to keep you safe or many other positive goals.
• The client has everything they need already to achieve what they want, or they know how to find out how to do it.
I am always curious as to what the client means by can’t.
Can’ts can occur on different levels and it is really useful to be able to recognise on what level they exist.
Environment Are you in the wrong physical place to be able to? If so what environment would enable you to be successful?
For example if you wanted to specialise in paedodontics and your practice was in an area with a population that was 60+ would you be better relocating to an area where there is a high proportion of young families?
Behaviour Are your actions preventing you from being successful? If so what changes in behaviour would ensure that you could achieve your goal?
For example if you would like to lose 7 pounds you would probably more likely to achieve it by getting up an hour earlier and doing some exercise rather than staying in bed.
When I gave up smoking I changed the route that I cycled to college, I parked my bike in a different place consequently I was not tempted to go for a drink at the end of the day and weaken my resolve.
Beliefs Are you currently choosing to belief that it is not possible for you?
Henry ford is quoted as saying “whether you think you can or you can’t you are probably right”
Before Bannister completed the 4 minute mile, it was a commonly held belief that it was not physically possible for a man to run a mile I less than 4 minutes. Some ‘experts’ believed that if it was attempted that the body would burst. Roger Bannister believed it was possible and on May 6th 1954 ran a mile in 3 minutes 59.4 seconds. Having proved that it was possible it was only 56 days before the second person achieved ‘the impossible’ and now 1000’s have runners have achieved it.
Believing the possible is the first step to making it possible.
Values Do you have values that conflict with what you are wanting to achieve and stopping you from being successful?
For example you may have had the idea of making your practice a ‘membership only’ practice, and become frustrated by your receptionists’ inability to sign patients onto your plan. If (s)he has deeply held values about the NHS, any conversations they have with patients will be incongruent and you will not achieve what it is you want – a membership only practice. This can be resolved in many ways, some of which include, moving your receptionist away from sign up conversations, exploring with your receptionist what it is about NHS care that is so important to them and showing them how you are honouring their values by using the plan.
Identity Who are you when you are not able to and who will you be when you have now achieved what you want to?
Peer pressure is remarkably powerful, and in part it is about how we see ourselves, and how we see ourselves determines what we are able and not able to do.
I long for a slim fit body, a friend of mine was an anorexic and she amazed me at her ability to lose weight, even when she way tiny. She would tell me that whenever she looked in the mirror the person that looked back at her was enormous and she didn’t like it.
I come across many clients who want to be successful, wealthy, confident at public speaking and have been failing to achieve it. As we explore this during the coaching sessions they often find that they don’t see themselves as successful, wealthy or confident. Until you are able to see, hear and feel yourself as being the way you want to be, you won’t become want you want.
A congruent sense of identity is vital in changing a can’t into a can.
So when that voice in your head says “you can’t”, say “thank you” and ask it “what precisely do you mean by I can’t” and you will have taken your first step to can.
If you are frustrated that you have not been successful at achieving something that you want to, contact me now
- Mahatma Gandhi
For those who have worked with a coach and for those of you who are realising that you would like to start to one with one like me, you will be aware that as your coach, my role is to elicit from you those things that you want to be doing or being that enable you to be your authentic self.
It is the role of a trainer or consultant to tell you what they think you should be doing. And whilst you may recruit your coach to provide an element of training some of the key responsibilities of your coach is to
• Discover, clarify, and align with what, you, the client wants to achieve
• Support you in defining and reaching your goals, to be living the life you want to live.
• Encourage you in your own self-discovery
• Challenge you with powerful questions.
• Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies
• Request that you take action.
• Hold you, the client, responsible and accountable for the actions you commit to.
In my experience clients find the coaching experience extremely liberating, discovering ideas and plans that they find exciting, fulfilling purposeful and important. My clients always come up with more appropriate ideas for them than I could suggest.
What is often curious is that my clients will very often come up with an idea or plan, that really fills them with excitement and purpose, and quick as a flash a voice in their head will utter “You can’t do that!”
I become really curious, because two things I hold to be true whenever I am coaching are that
• The voice in our head is always seeking to serve us in some way. It could be that it wants to protect you from failure, embarrassment, to keep you safe or many other positive goals.
• The client has everything they need already to achieve what they want, or they know how to find out how to do it.
I am always curious as to what the client means by can’t.
Can’ts can occur on different levels and it is really useful to be able to recognise on what level they exist.
Environment Are you in the wrong physical place to be able to? If so what environment would enable you to be successful?
For example if you wanted to specialise in paedodontics and your practice was in an area with a population that was 60+ would you be better relocating to an area where there is a high proportion of young families?
Behaviour Are your actions preventing you from being successful? If so what changes in behaviour would ensure that you could achieve your goal?
For example if you would like to lose 7 pounds you would probably more likely to achieve it by getting up an hour earlier and doing some exercise rather than staying in bed.
When I gave up smoking I changed the route that I cycled to college, I parked my bike in a different place consequently I was not tempted to go for a drink at the end of the day and weaken my resolve.
Beliefs Are you currently choosing to belief that it is not possible for you?
Henry ford is quoted as saying “whether you think you can or you can’t you are probably right”
Before Bannister completed the 4 minute mile, it was a commonly held belief that it was not physically possible for a man to run a mile I less than 4 minutes. Some ‘experts’ believed that if it was attempted that the body would burst. Roger Bannister believed it was possible and on May 6th 1954 ran a mile in 3 minutes 59.4 seconds. Having proved that it was possible it was only 56 days before the second person achieved ‘the impossible’ and now 1000’s have runners have achieved it.
Believing the possible is the first step to making it possible.
Values Do you have values that conflict with what you are wanting to achieve and stopping you from being successful?
For example you may have had the idea of making your practice a ‘membership only’ practice, and become frustrated by your receptionists’ inability to sign patients onto your plan. If (s)he has deeply held values about the NHS, any conversations they have with patients will be incongruent and you will not achieve what it is you want – a membership only practice. This can be resolved in many ways, some of which include, moving your receptionist away from sign up conversations, exploring with your receptionist what it is about NHS care that is so important to them and showing them how you are honouring their values by using the plan.
Identity Who are you when you are not able to and who will you be when you have now achieved what you want to?
Peer pressure is remarkably powerful, and in part it is about how we see ourselves, and how we see ourselves determines what we are able and not able to do.
I long for a slim fit body, a friend of mine was an anorexic and she amazed me at her ability to lose weight, even when she way tiny. She would tell me that whenever she looked in the mirror the person that looked back at her was enormous and she didn’t like it.
I come across many clients who want to be successful, wealthy, confident at public speaking and have been failing to achieve it. As we explore this during the coaching sessions they often find that they don’t see themselves as successful, wealthy or confident. Until you are able to see, hear and feel yourself as being the way you want to be, you won’t become want you want.
A congruent sense of identity is vital in changing a can’t into a can.
So when that voice in your head says “you can’t”, say “thank you” and ask it “what precisely do you mean by I can’t” and you will have taken your first step to can.
If you are frustrated that you have not been successful at achieving something that you want to, contact me now
Friday, 6 August 2010
Essential NLP for dentists and their teams
* When did you last feel frustrated that you were not being listenend to or understood?
* What was the most recent occasion that you felt irritated that someone, a patient, member of staff or family member was not doing as you had asked them to?
* When did you last feel that you lacked confidence to do or say something that you wanted to?
These are some of the everyday situations, that when you have learnt and begun to practice the skills taught to you in this amazing one day seminar you will never have to experience again!
"An excellent introduction into the exciting worlds of NLP, its potential and its positive Impact" Barry Oulton Principal Dentist Haslemere surrey
This one-day workshop has been designed by dentists for dentists to give you and your team a detailed introduction to the basic principles of Neuro -linguistic programming (NLP) and how they can add real value to you, your practice and your patients.
As you continue your journey into 2010 and beyond, you will be offered unprecedented opportunities, Essential NLP for dentists and their teams™ will ensure that you have the skills that you want to take full advantage and control of your life and practice.
At a time when dentistry is full of uncertainly learn the skills that will give you the clarity you need to move on from the past and plan to build the future that you deserve.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming has emerged as one of the most valuable tools available for turning our hopes and dreams for that future into reality.
This is your chance to discover the powerful principles of NLP and apply them to your practice. When you attend the training you will also:
• Master some of the most effective communication skills available
• Begin to learn how to run your mind more effectively
• Learn how to understand what your patients are saying when they are using ‘body language’
• Learn NLP from a dentist who has already successfully applied the principles of NLP in her practice.
• Learn how to manage your ‘heart sink’ patients effectively
• Master some of the core skills to let go of the past and create a more empowering future.
• Discover how to start modelling excellence in all fields of your practice
more available at
book now
* What was the most recent occasion that you felt irritated that someone, a patient, member of staff or family member was not doing as you had asked them to?
* When did you last feel that you lacked confidence to do or say something that you wanted to?
These are some of the everyday situations, that when you have learnt and begun to practice the skills taught to you in this amazing one day seminar you will never have to experience again!
"An excellent introduction into the exciting worlds of NLP, its potential and its positive Impact" Barry Oulton Principal Dentist Haslemere surrey
This one-day workshop has been designed by dentists for dentists to give you and your team a detailed introduction to the basic principles of Neuro -linguistic programming (NLP) and how they can add real value to you, your practice and your patients.
As you continue your journey into 2010 and beyond, you will be offered unprecedented opportunities, Essential NLP for dentists and their teams™ will ensure that you have the skills that you want to take full advantage and control of your life and practice.
At a time when dentistry is full of uncertainly learn the skills that will give you the clarity you need to move on from the past and plan to build the future that you deserve.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming has emerged as one of the most valuable tools available for turning our hopes and dreams for that future into reality.
This is your chance to discover the powerful principles of NLP and apply them to your practice. When you attend the training you will also:
• Master some of the most effective communication skills available
• Begin to learn how to run your mind more effectively
• Learn how to understand what your patients are saying when they are using ‘body language’
• Learn NLP from a dentist who has already successfully applied the principles of NLP in her practice.
• Learn how to manage your ‘heart sink’ patients effectively
• Master some of the core skills to let go of the past and create a more empowering future.
• Discover how to start modelling excellence in all fields of your practice
more available at
book now
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Fantastic occlusion course - Make sure you are there.
The successful 3 day Mansfield IPSO course is back. Presented by Dr John Bassett DDS and Kenneth Peters DDS.
This course “Occlusion in Everyday Practice” has been running for in excess of 15 years and has always been oversubscribed. The Academy of Clinical Excellence is delighted to be part of this continued success.
The 3 day course offers 21 hours CPD and is part of a series of comprehensive training that will help you understand occlusion, management of the natural teeth, anterior and posterior restorative dentistry and full mouth rehabilitation.
Many delegates return year after year because of the excellent content.
Don’t miss out this time round... Book early.
Dates the course is running 12th, 13th and 14th November.
This course “Occlusion in Everyday Practice” has been running for in excess of 15 years and has always been oversubscribed. The Academy of Clinical Excellence is delighted to be part of this continued success.
The 3 day course offers 21 hours CPD and is part of a series of comprehensive training that will help you understand occlusion, management of the natural teeth, anterior and posterior restorative dentistry and full mouth rehabilitation.
Many delegates return year after year because of the excellent content.
Don’t miss out this time round... Book early.
Dates the course is running 12th, 13th and 14th November.
How to choose the right coach for you and your practice?
Many international, national and SME companies recognise the benefits of working with a coach in terms of improved profitability, production and a fulfilled workforce.
In times of economic down turn many companies are recruiting business coaches to ensure business success, but how do you choose a great coach?
A recent Google search for coaches revealed the following results
Business Coach 121,000,000
Dental Coach 3,180,000
Coach Dentistry 640,000
Dental Business Coach 348,000
With that quantity of listings and reports such as this one from Simon Coops, Chief Executive of Acuity Coaching, “Coaches are charging up to £1,500 per hour and there are no means of telling good from bad.”
In this article I will guide you through the top ten points to consider when selecting your coach, and enable you to find the right one for you and your business.
Know what you want.
Before you commission a coach you should know what area that you want to work with them on. It could be an issue about a business development, management/leadership performance or even a health or behavioural problem you may have. Whatever it is, know what you want to achieve. If you don’t know what you want, but you know what you don’t want or what you are not prepared to tolerate any longer, that works too. If your outcome is a little hazy, a good coach will spend time with you, tuning, tweaking and clarifying so that you are crystal clear about outcomes that fit you.
Check their qualifications
Once you have decided that you are ready to make a change and work with a coach, the next step is check their qualifications. “It’s worryingly easy to do a short course and set yourself up as a coach- and even though there are a number of accreditation bodies, they have varying reputations” says Kevin Bright, Director of Business Psychologists, YSC. Moreover the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) journal, ‘Coaching at Work’ says “Don’t accept qualifications at face value. Some reputable sounding organisations hand out coaching diplomas for a three-day course.” John McGurk, CIPD Adviser Learning Training and Development recommends, “Find out what training and qualifications they have and if you are not familiar with them, follow them up.”
So ask your prospective coach details about their coach training, who they trained with, their trainers providence as a coach, how long it was and how much coaching they did as part of their qualifications. Be mindful that coaching is a powerful process for achieving change that is currently unregulated and there are many people in the market place that are using the title ‘coach’ with little or no coach training.
Dr Jane lelean has spent over 5 years training as a coach and holds several coaching qualifications including European NLP coach
Check their accreditation.
Once you have ensured that that your coach has qualified from a reputable organisation such as International Teaching Seminars, you will next need to check their accreditations.
John McGurk, CIPD, recommends, “Find out if they are a member of a professional body, and at what level. In other words, have they joined on the web and paid a tenner or does their membership mean signing up to things such as continuing professional development or a code of conduct?”
Professional coaching bodies provide guidelines for best practice. They are to coaching what the General Dental Council is to dentists, or the Law Society is to Solicitors. In the UK professional bodies include the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and the Association of Coaches. ICF accreditation cannot be achieved without a rigorous level of training, a comprehensive log of coaching hours, adherence to a code of conduct, demonstration of core coaching skills, active supervision, commitment to post graduate education, a written examination and a practical coaching exam. At present this cannot be said for all other professional bodies which have different criteria for accreditation.
Dr Jane Lelean is the only dentist in the UK to be accredited by the International coach federation and one of less than 100 coaches in the UK to have reached their professional standard.
Jane is also the only dentist to be registered with the Institute of Healthcare Management
Choose coach involved with supervision
Coach supervision is a formal process that your coach is involved with, regularly working with a more qualified coach, reflecting and evaluating their performance with clients and sharing expertise. Supervision has two purposes, ensuring the continued learning and development of your coach, and providing a degree of protection for their clients. Ask your prospective coach about their supervisor, their supervisor’s qualifications; how long they have been in supervision and how often they meet. Coaching supervision is essential for maintaining standards, and yet a recent study by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) has found that only 44% of coaches are involved in supervision although this rises to 75% of coaches who are members of a professional body.
Dr Jane lelean regularly uses a supervisor.
Continued professional development and post graduate education.
By now you have found a potential coach that is qualified, next you need to check that they are involved in a process of Continued Professional Development and Postgraduate Education. Ask your coach what courses, conferences and workshops they attend, which coaching journals and books do they read regularly, are they involved in coaching networks and co-coaching groups.
Jane is passionate about developing her skills as a coach and frequently attends, further training, in the UK, Europe and USA.
Experience, references and testimonials.
Now you will have honed down the potential coaches you have available to you. And are ready to start asking how much experience your potential coach has. Coaches involved with ongoing accreditation processes will keep a coaching log book and will easily be able to give you an accurate number of how many hours coaching experience they have, the numbers of clients.
John McGurk, CIPD recommends, “Specifically ask them how many hours coaching they have and how many assignments they have delivered on, including what kinds of issues. If they don’t have a coaching logbook then it could be that they’ve trained and never practiced, which is as useful as a teacher who has never taught.”
Some of your friends may be unwilling to admit that they have worked with a coach reluctant to share their great experiences. Your coach will have a collection of testimonial letters and comments. Ask to see it.
Testimonials can be found at the website,com_rsmonials/Itemid,35/
Coaching tool kit.
How comprehensive are your coach’s resources and how flexible is their approach to coaching? Be wary of coaches who use one coaching model in all situations, as with clothes, one size does not really fit all. Coaches with NLP backgrounds, particularly if they are Master Practitioners will have a vast number of coaching skills at their fingertips with the flexibility to move between and combine models. This ensures you get what you set out to achieve, coping with what ever issues come up in your session. Ask your coach about their coaching philosophy, style and what range of coaching tools they use.
Jane uses a tools and approaches in her coaching so no two sessions are ever the same.
Whose agenda does your coach work to?
Coaching is all about YOU and you reaching your goals. Make sure that your coach is prepared to work to your agenda when it comes to scheduling sessions, and be flexible in your approach. Do you want a one off session, and then return again later, or do you want weekly sessions, or a combination of the two? Most coaches agree that the clients that achieve the most are the ones that are committed to a frequent and regular coaching sessions. Discuss with your coach what is right for you. Do you want your coach to work with you face to face or on the telephone? You will experience massive insights when you meet your coach away from your home or workplace, and you can be inquisitive about how powerful telephone coaching is. Alternatively, chose a combination of the two.
Choose a coach who has a coach.
By now you are coming towards the end of your selection process and are probably intrigued by how committed to the process of coaching your coach is. Would you buy meat from a butcher who wouldn’t eat his own produce, or expect your patients to visit a dentist that never visits an hygienist? Choose a coach who is so committed to the environment of change that coaching provides that they have their own coach. Ask your coach about their coach, how long have they been in coaching, what are their significant outcomes as a result of coaching? Choose a coach with integrity and who ‘walks the talk’.
Jane has been working with a coach for the last 13 years and often works with two at any one time, addressing several issues. Jane is currently working with Paul Avins and Sally Denn
Book an initial intake session before committing.
You will now be at the place where you are ready to commission your coach. Before you sign up to a coaching programme, book and pay for an initial intake session. Intake sessions typically last two- three hours and will give you and your coach ample opportunity to find out how well you are going to work together. Use this time to discuss how you would like your coach to support you, what level of accountability you want them to hold you to, explore what you want to achieve and the evidence for that. This time is for you to design the coaching alliance that will be supporting you in the future. Now you are happy with your coach’s credentials, experience and skills commission them and start to live the life that until now you have only dreamed of.
If you would like to know more about Business Coaching, Dental Practice Training Programmes or NLP Trainings offered by Dr Jane Lelean, please contact her at jane@ or on 01296 770462
In times of economic down turn many companies are recruiting business coaches to ensure business success, but how do you choose a great coach?
A recent Google search for coaches revealed the following results
Business Coach 121,000,000
Dental Coach 3,180,000
Coach Dentistry 640,000
Dental Business Coach 348,000
With that quantity of listings and reports such as this one from Simon Coops, Chief Executive of Acuity Coaching, “Coaches are charging up to £1,500 per hour and there are no means of telling good from bad.”
In this article I will guide you through the top ten points to consider when selecting your coach, and enable you to find the right one for you and your business.
Know what you want.
Before you commission a coach you should know what area that you want to work with them on. It could be an issue about a business development, management/leadership performance or even a health or behavioural problem you may have. Whatever it is, know what you want to achieve. If you don’t know what you want, but you know what you don’t want or what you are not prepared to tolerate any longer, that works too. If your outcome is a little hazy, a good coach will spend time with you, tuning, tweaking and clarifying so that you are crystal clear about outcomes that fit you.
Check their qualifications
Once you have decided that you are ready to make a change and work with a coach, the next step is check their qualifications. “It’s worryingly easy to do a short course and set yourself up as a coach- and even though there are a number of accreditation bodies, they have varying reputations” says Kevin Bright, Director of Business Psychologists, YSC. Moreover the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) journal, ‘Coaching at Work’ says “Don’t accept qualifications at face value. Some reputable sounding organisations hand out coaching diplomas for a three-day course.” John McGurk, CIPD Adviser Learning Training and Development recommends, “Find out what training and qualifications they have and if you are not familiar with them, follow them up.”
So ask your prospective coach details about their coach training, who they trained with, their trainers providence as a coach, how long it was and how much coaching they did as part of their qualifications. Be mindful that coaching is a powerful process for achieving change that is currently unregulated and there are many people in the market place that are using the title ‘coach’ with little or no coach training.
Dr Jane lelean has spent over 5 years training as a coach and holds several coaching qualifications including European NLP coach
Check their accreditation.
Once you have ensured that that your coach has qualified from a reputable organisation such as International Teaching Seminars, you will next need to check their accreditations.
John McGurk, CIPD, recommends, “Find out if they are a member of a professional body, and at what level. In other words, have they joined on the web and paid a tenner or does their membership mean signing up to things such as continuing professional development or a code of conduct?”
Professional coaching bodies provide guidelines for best practice. They are to coaching what the General Dental Council is to dentists, or the Law Society is to Solicitors. In the UK professional bodies include the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and the Association of Coaches. ICF accreditation cannot be achieved without a rigorous level of training, a comprehensive log of coaching hours, adherence to a code of conduct, demonstration of core coaching skills, active supervision, commitment to post graduate education, a written examination and a practical coaching exam. At present this cannot be said for all other professional bodies which have different criteria for accreditation.
Dr Jane Lelean is the only dentist in the UK to be accredited by the International coach federation and one of less than 100 coaches in the UK to have reached their professional standard.
Jane is also the only dentist to be registered with the Institute of Healthcare Management
Choose coach involved with supervision
Coach supervision is a formal process that your coach is involved with, regularly working with a more qualified coach, reflecting and evaluating their performance with clients and sharing expertise. Supervision has two purposes, ensuring the continued learning and development of your coach, and providing a degree of protection for their clients. Ask your prospective coach about their supervisor, their supervisor’s qualifications; how long they have been in supervision and how often they meet. Coaching supervision is essential for maintaining standards, and yet a recent study by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) has found that only 44% of coaches are involved in supervision although this rises to 75% of coaches who are members of a professional body.
Dr Jane lelean regularly uses a supervisor.
Continued professional development and post graduate education.
By now you have found a potential coach that is qualified, next you need to check that they are involved in a process of Continued Professional Development and Postgraduate Education. Ask your coach what courses, conferences and workshops they attend, which coaching journals and books do they read regularly, are they involved in coaching networks and co-coaching groups.
Jane is passionate about developing her skills as a coach and frequently attends, further training, in the UK, Europe and USA.
Experience, references and testimonials.
Now you will have honed down the potential coaches you have available to you. And are ready to start asking how much experience your potential coach has. Coaches involved with ongoing accreditation processes will keep a coaching log book and will easily be able to give you an accurate number of how many hours coaching experience they have, the numbers of clients.
John McGurk, CIPD recommends, “Specifically ask them how many hours coaching they have and how many assignments they have delivered on, including what kinds of issues. If they don’t have a coaching logbook then it could be that they’ve trained and never practiced, which is as useful as a teacher who has never taught.”
Some of your friends may be unwilling to admit that they have worked with a coach reluctant to share their great experiences. Your coach will have a collection of testimonial letters and comments. Ask to see it.
Testimonials can be found at the website,com_rsmonials/Itemid,35/
Coaching tool kit.
How comprehensive are your coach’s resources and how flexible is their approach to coaching? Be wary of coaches who use one coaching model in all situations, as with clothes, one size does not really fit all. Coaches with NLP backgrounds, particularly if they are Master Practitioners will have a vast number of coaching skills at their fingertips with the flexibility to move between and combine models. This ensures you get what you set out to achieve, coping with what ever issues come up in your session. Ask your coach about their coaching philosophy, style and what range of coaching tools they use.
Jane uses a tools and approaches in her coaching so no two sessions are ever the same.
Whose agenda does your coach work to?
Coaching is all about YOU and you reaching your goals. Make sure that your coach is prepared to work to your agenda when it comes to scheduling sessions, and be flexible in your approach. Do you want a one off session, and then return again later, or do you want weekly sessions, or a combination of the two? Most coaches agree that the clients that achieve the most are the ones that are committed to a frequent and regular coaching sessions. Discuss with your coach what is right for you. Do you want your coach to work with you face to face or on the telephone? You will experience massive insights when you meet your coach away from your home or workplace, and you can be inquisitive about how powerful telephone coaching is. Alternatively, chose a combination of the two.
Choose a coach who has a coach.
By now you are coming towards the end of your selection process and are probably intrigued by how committed to the process of coaching your coach is. Would you buy meat from a butcher who wouldn’t eat his own produce, or expect your patients to visit a dentist that never visits an hygienist? Choose a coach who is so committed to the environment of change that coaching provides that they have their own coach. Ask your coach about their coach, how long have they been in coaching, what are their significant outcomes as a result of coaching? Choose a coach with integrity and who ‘walks the talk’.
Jane has been working with a coach for the last 13 years and often works with two at any one time, addressing several issues. Jane is currently working with Paul Avins and Sally Denn
Book an initial intake session before committing.
You will now be at the place where you are ready to commission your coach. Before you sign up to a coaching programme, book and pay for an initial intake session. Intake sessions typically last two- three hours and will give you and your coach ample opportunity to find out how well you are going to work together. Use this time to discuss how you would like your coach to support you, what level of accountability you want them to hold you to, explore what you want to achieve and the evidence for that. This time is for you to design the coaching alliance that will be supporting you in the future. Now you are happy with your coach’s credentials, experience and skills commission them and start to live the life that until now you have only dreamed of.
If you would like to know more about Business Coaching, Dental Practice Training Programmes or NLP Trainings offered by Dr Jane Lelean, please contact her at jane@ or on 01296 770462
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
CD available while stocks last
Are you ready to work with an outstanding team of professionals?
Are you tired of attending dental training seminars that don’t offer anything new?
What would it be like if you could learn how to
grow and develop your perfect team as you drive to work?
Now you can
The recording of last nights’
tele-seminar Perfect staff - How to find them is
now available.
This unique live recording and the accompanying hand-books
are now available at the special price of £25.00.
To secure your copy e mail now.
Stocks are limited, secure your copy now.
Are you tired of attending dental training seminars that don’t offer anything new?
What would it be like if you could learn how to
grow and develop your perfect team as you drive to work?
Now you can
The recording of last nights’
tele-seminar Perfect staff - How to find them is
now available.
This unique live recording and the accompanying hand-books
are now available at the special price of £25.00.
To secure your copy e mail now.
Stocks are limited, secure your copy now.
Monday, 2 August 2010
Masterclass in Dental Practice
Unique workshop style masterclass for principals and dentists thinking of becoming one.
Saturday 2nd October
Click here
Saturday 2nd October
Click here
One of many happy clients
"I'm still feeling really positive after our session together. You managed to achieve what several very experienced therapists over some years could not. I am seriously impressed by your work. I thought I was going to have to live with the negative programming as nothing seemed to want to shift it but you have enabled me to fly again and in a very pleasurable way. Thank you so very much."
Find out how I can help you too. Call me now on 01296 770462 or e mail me
Find out how I can help you too. Call me now on 01296 770462 or e mail me
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