Monday, 20 June 2022

Emotional spring cleaning, from a client's perspective.


Last week,  I was working with a client in the USA, my client was frustrated that she felt that other people were treating her like a child. This was having detrimental impacts on her relationship with her line manager with a knock-on impact to her attitudes to work. The final straw came when she was “mothered” by a stranger in a shop which left her feeling dis-empowered in her own life.


We set up a therapeutic coaching session, where we were able to identify the source event that led to all the subsequent emotional triggers, heal the trauma, eliminate the emotional triggers and unwanted feelings.


From a coach’s perspective I observed

 My client initially remembered a triggering memory as an event that injured her pride and left her feeling unlovable. This childhood event was having ramifications in her present day.

 After the 30-minute coaching intervention

 My client recalled the same  memory, in general, but did not recall anything that seemed like it should have produced such a trigger. She now remembers it as a funny childhood moment and is confident about her future.


What my client said afterwards


“After our work, I was able to discuss a previously painful memory with my mother without the emotions, I can remember the event giggle and move on.”

You're the best, Jane!



In our homes have cupboards, lofts, cellars or shed where we store the clutter that we collect.

As we live life, we collect emotional clutter some, for some there are big traumas others the events are almost something and nothing yet leave an emotional trigger. We pack these events away in our emotional cupboards, lofts, and cellars, learning how to keep them locked away. Most of the time we are able to live successfully, keeping everything stashed away avoiding our emotional clutter and triggers, until, uninvited, it spills over and those overwhelming feelings come flooding out and we feel overwhelmed, unable to cope or be the best version of ourselves.


It’s hard for us to thrive when we haven’t processed our mental and emotional clutter.

This could be

 Previous unpleasant experiences

Old hurts and grudges we hang on to when we feel wronged

Traumas large or small.


Not dealing with emotional clutter eventually becomes overwhelming. In the same way we spring clean our homes disposing of the physical clutter, it is healthy to spring clean our mental and emotional cupboards and dispose of the mental and emotional clutter.


Clinging to hurts, trauma and nourishing grudges will eventually eat your soul, consume your happiness, and rob you of all progress. This clutter keeps you trapped in the past and will prevent you from accessing your future potential. It can be confusing to those around you who unknowingly step on unresolved emotional clutter firing a trigger to be greeted with an unexpected or inappropriate response.


Don’t wait until the spring, clear out your emotional clutter of the past today, so that you can experience the gift of the present.


For more information about our therapeutic coaching or to book an introductory Free Call Friday session visit



Common emotions clients ask me to assist them with emotional spring cleaning up include

  • Anger
  • Resentment
  • Humiliation
  • Regret
  • Hurt
  • Trauma
  • Pain
  • Discouragement
  • Bitterness
  • Shame
  • Sorrow
  • Grief
  • Powerlessness
  • Fear and phobias
  • Addictions


What would you like to get cleaned up?


To book an introductory Free Call Friday or therapeutic coaching session visit


“After our work, I was able to discuss a previously painful memory with my mother without the emotions, I can remember the event giggle and move on.”

You're the best, Jane!


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