Monday, 28 January 2019

How to make your DREAMS come true

 We are towards the end of January and what has happened to your new year resolutions?

If you are off track, here are six steps to bring you back on course to make your DREAMS come true.

Here is a simple mnemonic to help you

Define – What do you want and why do you want it?
State what you want in the positive, be clear what you and others will see hear, think and feel when you have achieved it. Be clear, very clear about your criteria of success.
Discover what is your motivation for achieving your goal.
Ask yourself,
What are the benefits to you and others when you do achieve it?
What will the suffering be to you and others if you don’t achieve it?

= Reality check
Where are you now? What is the truth of your current situation? What are the potential obstacles to you achieving your goal? To achieve your dream, what do you need to overcome, what are the potential barriers to your success. What must you access in terms of time, money, motivation, collaboration, accountability, coaching, mentoring and training?
You may wish to use our Brilliant Practice Evaluation (BPE) tool

E = Encouragement
To achieve your dream what encouragement do you need? Can you access encouragement you will need from your internal resources, friends, family, coaches, mentors?

A = Accountability
What are your time frames? When are a you going to achieve your dream by, and how are you going to allocate your time to insure it becomes a reality? How are you going to hold yourself accountable for doing what your need to, or who do you need alongside to hold you accountable when things get tough?

= Milestones
What is your big picture overview? What are the small chunks that this must your dream must broken down into make it achievable? What are the milesstones and the step by step process that you will follow to achieve your dream?
How and when are you going to track your progress, so you know when you are on course or off course?

S = Selebration (Celebration)
What are the celebrations that you will build in to mark your progress? When you have achieved your goal and successfully turned your dream into reality how and with whom will you celebrate success?

D= Define
R = Reality check
E = Encouragement
A = Accountability
M = Milestones
S = Selebration (Celebration)

"A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes 
sweat, determination and hard work."
Colin Powell

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