Monday, 24 September 2018

Crap questions people ask themselves

If you are like most dentists, you are probably aware of situations thatyou are not happy with.

When you think about this situation(s), you are also probably ruminating on some or all of the following questions;
·       What is my problem?
·       Why has it been it been happening since. . . . ?
·       Who is to blame?
·       Whose fault is it?
·       Why haven’t I solved it?

If on reflection, you realise that despite your previous ruminations, the situation has not yet improved or changed you will want to find an alternative approach that works.

Einstein said “ insanity is doing the same thing over  and over again and expecting a different result.”

Great business coaches recognise that the quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask yourself.

Why not ask yourself a new set of question and notice what improves.

·      What I want is . . .?
·      I will know I have got what I want when . . . ?
·      What will also change when I get what I want is  . . .?
·      The resources I already have that will help me achieve this are. . .?
·      Something similar that I have done previously is. . . . ?
·      My next step is. . . . .?

If you are committed to improving your current situation, call us on 07989 757 884 or e  mail and find out how working with a great coach, trainer and mentor will make it easier.

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