Thursday, 27 April 2017

I've just been blindsided

I was listening to an audible recording today and stopped in my tracks by the phase “Failure only occurs in someone who does not acknowledge their faults”
As I reflected on this I was remined about a recent conversation I had with a coaching client, who is currently taking their practice by the shirt-tails shaking it up and transforming it into what he wanted it to be when he first opened the doors. Over the years he had become busy being busy and lost sight of why he set the practice up and one day realized that it had drifted far from his original plan.

We spoke about Johari’s window, and how it describes what working with a coach can do.

For all of us we have areas that we know about ourselves that no one else knows, our strengths, weaknesses, passions, frustrations and fears etc.- This is called the hidden area. There are also things about us that others can see and we can’t, The blind area. There is an unknown area which neither our self and others know and also an open arena of information that you know about yourself and others also know. The model recognizes that the larger the open area is the more choices and control you have and therefore the more successful you will be. My client observed that my coaching was enabling him to increase his open area, discovering more about himself that he was able to share and learn more about his true self from / with others and this was making him a more respected, influential and empowering leader in his practice.  In his free flow reflection, he observed that the blind area in Johari’s window was very like the blind area on a lorry, that when you were in that location as a pedestrian or cyclist you were at risk of being killed.

He went on to reflect that the hardest and yet most rewarding aspect of coaching was that I had taken him from a place of unconscious incompetence, when he had no idea the mistakes he was making and the ramifications they were having to a place of conscious incompetence which he described as an “Oh my God moment”, when he looked into a metaphorical mirror and became aware of the costly errors he was making and the damage it was having on his family, his finances, his team and patients. My client expressed his gratitude that I then supported him giving him the information, support and space to think and decide, so he moved into a place of conscious competence.  And now he is reaping more benefits that he initially dreamed about as the coaching has moved him to a place of unconscious competence. Now he is excited about moving round the cycle again to discover more that he didn’t know that he didn’t know.

What he said about Transform you practice in 10 days.

 “Essential for anyone thinking about setting up a practice or having trouble running a practice  who is seeking ways to improve”

As soon as you are ready to take the first step and examine your practice, please feel free to use our free online tool, The BrilliantPractice Evaluation (BPE).  or use this in your browser 

Many clients tell us that it helps them look at their practice honestly and unemotionally and others have found it an invaluable tool for creating and maintaining success.

So as I write this refection I am filled with enthusiasm for my next conversation with my coach so she can help me discover more of what is in my blind area.

Thursday, 20 April 2017

This morning on R4, there was a discussion about the FA profits/losses and mention was made that their staffing costs are 70% of their income.

How do your staffing costs compare, and what would you expect from them if you if you were paying your team 70% of your income?

Would love to hear your thoughts

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Resentment is like an allergy

Resentment is like an  allergy

If you or someone you know has a peanut sensitivity, each time peanut products are eaten peanut, your response will be more marked and more rapid and what started as a minor itch on contact with peanuts will escalate  o a risk of anaphylaxis.

Have you noticed how when someone does something that aggrieves you and makes you feel bad, angry or resentful on subsequent occasions if that same person makes even a minor mistake, or says something with an inappropriate tone or attitude towards you the feeling of annoyance is out of proportion to the trigger. Have you also noticed, that like the peanut allergy, subsequent events trigger negative feelings more rapidly that last longer and are felt more intensively? In a short period of time, you notice there is a deep sense of resentment being harboured and expectation that the person concerned is going to injure your feelings do something wrong on every occasion and you find yourself not only expecting the wrong doing, you are actually looking for it, to justify your righteous indignation.

"Resentment is like drinking poison and hoping it will kill your enemies.” Nelson Mandela

The success of your practice is entirely dependent on the sill. performance and cohesion of your team.

Consider now, are any members of your team harbouring resentment or animosity towards you or another colleague, and if so how is it impacting your practice, team, patients and bottom line?

"There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long-range risks of comfortable inaction. " John F. Kennedy

Are you comfortably taking no action, ignoring any disharmony between team members? Or are you taking action to develop a culture of building and repairing forgiving, trustful healthy relationships?

"Leaders don't do what is easy they do what is right"

What difference would it make to your team, if by setting an example as soon you realized that you had upset a colleague you apologized, sought forgiveness and reconciliation? How could you create a culture and opportunities that your team are able to be safely honestly, truthfully express when they feel aggrieved so that forgiveness and reparation can achieved creating a strong harmonious team?