Thursday, 2 June 2016

Time for a check-up?

Time for a check-up?

Is your practice is overdue its exam? click here and do an on-line Brilliant Practice Evaluation (BPE)

How often do your patients visit you for an examination? It could be every 3,6, 12, 18 or 24 months depending on their health and risk factors?

Why do you ask them to have regular examinations?  
You know it is so that you can help your patients stay healthy, identify and treat any problems early saving them, time money and in convenience.

What is the point of recording your patients BPE’s 4ppc or 6ppc?
You have BDS or the equivalent so you know this one too. Periodontal screenings and pocket charts are so that you can identify areas of disease, help you plan the most appropriate treatment, evaluate how successful the treatment is, and then together you can implement an alternative treatment protocol or maintenance plan as necessary, so your patient’s gums get healthy and stay healthy.

Would you agree that your patients are often oblivious to how healthy or unhealthy their mouth is until you have done an examination and shown them the results?

Do you know how healthy your practice is?
When was the last time your practice had a check-up?

Is your practice is overdue its exam? click here and do an on-line Brilliant Practice Evaluation (BPE)

It will take about as long as a patient examination.

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