Wednesday, 29 June 2016

I am looking for FAT dentists, do you know one?

I am looking for FAT dentist, do you know any?

what do I mean by FAT?

F= Forward looking- they determined to create a sustainably successful practice

A = Available, Available to attend the workshops, tele-seminars, coaching sessions they need to to learn and develop new skills, available to their practice and team, prepared to commit the time necessary to take decisions and action to effect the change they want to create

T = Teachable- Recognise that you don't know everything there is to know about running a dental practice, and are prepared to learn and have an open mind to embracing ideas, concepts and strategies that are guaranteed to make your good practice great.

Email us today for more information

For a fee practice health check click here for the online Brilliant Practice Evaluation BPE

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Ted Talks Thursday Sugar -- the elephant in the kitchen: Robert Lustig at TEDxBermuda 2013

Ted Talks Thursday

Why you and your patients really should not be eating sugar or drinking fizzy drinks

What do you think about this?

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Wednesday Words of Wisdom.

Wednesday Words of Wisdom.

Today's inspiration comes from the amazing Viktor Frankl, whose book Man's search for meaning is a heart breaking must read.

Viktor was an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist as well as a Holocaust survivor.

What are your thoughts on this statement, and where would you like to make a change to see a difference?

How often should a patient have a check up?

How often do you ask your patients to come for a check up?

Why do you ask them to come in for regular exams when they are not in pain or aware of any problems?

I know you are a great dentist and you ask your patients to come in on a regular basis because you want them to be healthy, happy and beautiful. Having a regular examination means that you can spot things early and help your patients by saving them time money and stress.

Your experience tells you that those patients that don’t come in regularly, are often the ones who have more complicated problems. For example, they may have broken a tooth that could be simply restored with a cuspal coverage inlay, however because they have not been seen for ages, you can’t do the restoration immediately because their perio is poor and that needs to be sorted first.

If your practice were a dental patient, when was its last exam? Is it a regular attender or does it only visit when in pain?

As your business coach and trainer I want your practice to be healthy, happy and beautiful and I want to save you time, money and stress, so I have developed a free online BPE for your practice. Click here to complete a Brilliant Practice Examination for your practice.

You are a smart dentist, look the your BPE results and ask yourself, do you need treatment, if so, who, what and when, if not when should your next check up be?

Thursday, 9 June 2016

The un- quantifiable cost of your dental receptionist – A dental Business coach perspective

As an International dental Business coach and trainer I help practice owners recognise and transform unseen debilitating and cultures.
 How much time and money are you spending on attracting patients to your practice?

Take a moment and mentally tally how much do you spend on your website, PPC, newsletters. Direct mail, radio ads etc? is it hundreds or thousands each month? What does that add up to in a year, or even in a life time?

How much is your receptionist driving away by how she answers the phone?
How much money are your clinicians allowing walk out the door?

You may want to run a report on your patient software system to put a value on the incomplete treatment plans that are outstanding what is the value?
Do you know what the life time value is of a new patient is?  How many new patient prospects are converted to an active patient and how many don’t book an appointment.

Are you investing in attracting new patients for them to be driven away by the first point of contact with the practice?

Research clearly shows that your patients will recommend new patients, stay with you longer and buy more treatment with you if they feel an emotional connection with the practice and your team rather than being functionally satisfied or dissatisfied with your service. What difference would this make to your bottom line? I dare you to put a figure on it.
You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.

Your receptionist is the most important person in the link for converting a prospect to a client, how well are they doing?

This morning a client asked me to listen to a recording of an incoming call, because he wanted some advice on how to improve the telephony skills of their reception team .and how to give the feedback. What was clear was that he knew something was not right and he didn’t know what.  The receptionist had very competently made the patient an appointment and something was still lacking.
The receptionist had functionally satisfied the patient’s request and there was no emotional connection., when I pointed this out he replied,  I couldn't put my finger on what is not quite right with phone call. You nailed it with the fact that she was not emotionally connected. Thank you” 

Having identified what was wrong we then set about how it could be transformed using my unique BLT feedback formula and developing a telephone audit tool.
“Thank you so much for your feedback. I like the idea of the audit. Those criteria are perfect”

If you would like me to listen to your practice telephone calls, and show you how to enable your reception team to emotionally connect with your patient’s, so that your referral rates, retention rates and treatment plan uptake all increase. Call me on 07989 757 884 today

For a free on-line  practice health check click here for your Brilliant Practice Evaluation BPE 

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Time for a check-up?

Time for a check-up?

Is your practice is overdue its exam? click here and do an on-line Brilliant Practice Evaluation (BPE)

How often do your patients visit you for an examination? It could be every 3,6, 12, 18 or 24 months depending on their health and risk factors?

Why do you ask them to have regular examinations?  
You know it is so that you can help your patients stay healthy, identify and treat any problems early saving them, time money and in convenience.

What is the point of recording your patients BPE’s 4ppc or 6ppc?
You have BDS or the equivalent so you know this one too. Periodontal screenings and pocket charts are so that you can identify areas of disease, help you plan the most appropriate treatment, evaluate how successful the treatment is, and then together you can implement an alternative treatment protocol or maintenance plan as necessary, so your patient’s gums get healthy and stay healthy.

Would you agree that your patients are often oblivious to how healthy or unhealthy their mouth is until you have done an examination and shown them the results?

Do you know how healthy your practice is?
When was the last time your practice had a check-up?

Is your practice is overdue its exam? click here and do an on-line Brilliant Practice Evaluation (BPE)

It will take about as long as a patient examination.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

How healthy is your Dental Practice?

You do a BPE on each of your patients at every routine examination to assess how healthy their gums are


When last the last time you assessed the health of your dental practice?

Do an on-line Brilliant Practice Evaluation (BPE) today, it will take less time than it takes to do a patient exam, and you will learn so much about your practice.