Monday, 16 May 2016

Are you planning to buy a dental practice within the next 5 years?

Does this describe you?
  • An associate who wants to buy your first practice?
  • A dentist trying to buy their first practice but your broker is not offering you suitable practices.
  • A dentist trying to buy their first practice but your offers are not being accepted.
  • The bank has told you they will not lend you the money because you don’t have adequate business competency and proficiency
  • You been on a practice brokers buyers list for ages without the offer of a practice?
  • A new principal who is struggling.with the business side of the practice.
Because you want you buy a practice you will know that lenders are deciding whether to provide you a loan based on your past and current financial track record and your current business skills and experience. You will know that practices are being sold prudentially to corporate and dentists who own more than one practice already, or who have been qualified for more than 10 years. You will also be aware that aspiring practice owners have had loans declined and failed CQC inspections because of lack of business skills training, experience and proficiency.
Because you are committed to becoming a principal, you will have heard stories about how even after many years in practice, some principals having a difficult time, they are short of money, short of time, short of patients and have difficult staff problem and you want to do it differently; sustainably and successfully.
 The common problems and stresses associated with running a practice can be prevented by learning and developing your business skills before you buy your practice and developing them in the early years of practice ownership.
What you will want is Principal Business Proficiency

 Now is a great time to ask yourself,
  • Did you have enough business skills training at dental school?
  • Do you know the 10 keys to successful practice?
  • Do you want to remain an associate for the rest of your career?
  • Do you have the skills and experience to be a successful principal?
If you answered “No” to any of those questions, you will want to
  • Be successful in raising funds
  • Have your offers accepted first-time ahead of the competition
  • Quickly complete on the practice purchase.
  •  Create a sustainably successful and profitable practice.
  • Acquire the knowledge, skills and confidence to successfully run a great practice.
  • Have a good balance between your business life and home life as a principal
  • Principal Business Proficiency
Now is your chance. Join us for the Principal Business Proficiency workshop and we will help you fill the gaps in your knowledge, experience and confidence.
Because you are serious about becoming a principal, you recognise the importance of getting an insight into the steps to be followed. Discover what successfully practices do and failing practices don’t.

This day will give you
framework to plan the purchase and management of your practice
Tips to develop your business skills
Strategies to build success
Tools to save you time money and stress

About the day
interactive day with lots of opportunities for you to ask questions
Workshop format, so you will have created your workable action plan
Limited numbers so you have personalised interaction
Verifiable CPD 8 hours

What difference will it make to you, when;
  • You can show the bank and CQC that you have specific business skills training?
  • You start your career as a principal on with sound business foundations?
  • You know the 10 essential habits of successful practice owners?
  • You are supported by your own business coach and trainer?
  • You have Principal Business Proficiency?

Venue Bicester
Date Friday 1st July
Registration 8:30 workshop 9:00 -17:00
Ample free car parking
Refreshments and lunch provided

What people like you have said about our trainings

"Very clear and precise. Easy to follow and good guidelines for implementation."

"Informative and very helpful "

"Information that was given to me as well as any tools were really useful. I enjoyed the session."

For more testimonials click here

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