Monday, 1 December 2014

Does your practice want a clean bill of heath for Christmas

Is your practice showing signs and symptoms that it is unwell or maybe soon?

It is a well-known fact that people are more likely to seek advice from a doctor, dentist, osteopath etc. when they have an acute problem, that is that the pain is incredibly bad, debilitating and can’t be ignored,  than when they have a chronic, low grade or grumbling problem that they can mask or ignore. Ask any healthcare practitioner and they will usually say “I wish you had come to me as soon as you noticed this, I could have prevented the pain you are in now, and the treatment would have been quicker, more effective and less expensive in terms of time and money.”
The same is true of an ailing practice or business, spot the signs early and call me in as your expert coach and you will not only save yourself time, money and stress, you will improve your finances, your patients health and your quality of life so you will be able to spend more time and money doing what you want, with who you want, when you want. Sound like a good idea?

What are the signs and symptoms of an unhealthy practice?

Are you suffering from low grade chronic problems in your business that until now you have masked or that or ignored, or is your practice unwell in need of urgent reparative treatment and care?

What are the signs and symptoms of a chronically unhealthy practice?

These include the following;
Drop in income
Cheques and payments bouncing,
Overdraft and other debts increasing
You are unhappy and so are your staff
High turnover and high absence rate of staff
Missing your UDA targets
Your partner is unhappy at the amount of time you spend at work
Equipment failure
FTA’s late cancellations and gaps in your appointment
Patients declining or putting off treatment plans
Drop of in new patients
Permanently stressed
Difficult personal or professional relationships

Sound familiar? Because you have now noticed there is a problem, now is the time to work with me as your business coach before things get worse.

What are the signs and symptoms of an acutely sick practice?

The bank has withdrawn your overdraft,
You can’t pay your bills on time
PCT has withdrawn your contract
High level of sickness and absenteeism
You lose several staff at the same time,
High turnover of the staff
Your PCT cancels your contract,
 Your partner leaves you because they never see you,
 A vital piece equipment fails and you can’t work,
Your clients and patients have left you for the competition.
Patients quibbling over fees and treatment plans
Spaces in the appointment book.
Patient complaints
Broken personal relationships
You become physically or psychologically sick and can’t work
Abuse of or dependence or on alcohol or drugs
Permanently stressed
In extreme cases suicidal thoughts or action.

What are the consequences if your patient puts off seeking treatment for toothache? That’s right at best it is more complicated and more expensive and at worse they may lose their tooth.

What will the consequences be if you continue put of seeking professional coaching advice to help with your ailing practice?

Dentists and dental team members like you do amazing work and so it saddens me when I also hear stories about practices with financial problems, insufficient patients and staff that are not working as a team, principals that are struggling to keep on top of running the practice and the clinical work, working early mornings, lunch times, evenings and weekends. Does this sound like you?

If you are ready to make your practice fit and well, healthy and wealthy discover how we can help you make it quicker, easier and more successful.

or put this link in your browser

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