Monday, 29 July 2013

Don't read this unless you want to access grant funding

  • Are you determined to grow your practice?
  • Is your practice registered in England?
  • Is your team smaller than 250 people?
  • Is your turnover under £40m?
  •  Are you a ltd company?
 If you answered yes to all of those questions, did you know you are entitled to a government business development grant?

Have you claimed your £3,500 practice development grant yet?  If you have not claimed your grant yet click here and find out how you can

If you have not claimed your grant and would like to read an advice sheet on how you can obtain government funding for growth, click here

If you would like to talk to a real person and get useful advise about how you can get access to grant funding call 07989 757 884, you may qualify for fast track funding

Friday, 26 July 2013

"I lost my practice few years back because of all that above problems you mentioned"

I recently sent out an e mail inviting dentists like you to join me on my free tele-seminar
Today I received a message back from a dentist that distressingly started, "I lost my practice few years back because of all that above problems you mentioned"
Please protect yourself against a similar outcome and if you can answer yes to any of the questions below, because you have experienced them in the past, you are in the situation now or you fear it may happen in the future, Join me for this free event and then together we can make your good practice great.
  • Are you fed up with not feeling in con trol of your own practice?
  • Are you sick of lazy or controlling staff?
  • Are you in a quandary about managing quarrelling staff?
  • Are you irritated that your instructions are ignored?
  • Are you tired of team members that can’t think for themselves and need to be told everything?
  • Are you unhappy because you are constantly undermined?
  • Are you disheartened by dismal finances?
  • Ate you perturbed by low patient numbers?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions
Leadership with HEART is perfect for you.

Date                     Wednesday 14th August
Time                    19:00 -20:00
Location               Access by phone or internet
Cost                     Free
Verifiable CPD    1 hour

You will receive pre and post seminar work books and copies of slides


Thursday, 25 July 2013

Why don’t people visit the dentist sooner?

Why don’t people visit the dentist sooner?

Have you ever wondered why people don’t visit the dentist sooner?  I can remember being frustrated  when patients came in with an emergency needing acute treatment only to take a history to hear that they had been having niggles or discomfort for many months and they had ignored it or overcome the pain using painkillers. Unfortunately, not seeking treatment at the first sign of a problem, often resulted in treatment that was more expensive in terms of time and money.

So why do patients put off treatment? This can be for many reasons,

·        Busy lives and don’t have time

·        Fear about what the dentist may say

·        Not wanting to accept responsibility and unwilling to change unhealthy behaviours

·        Concern about how much it will cost

·        Not understanding what the pain means

·        Not knowing where to find expert help

·        Fear about what the consequences may be

·        Ability to find and use quick fix short term remedies to mask the problem.

Curiously this week I have had two conversations with different  business experts, an accountant and debt management specialist, this week asking me “Why don’t business owners seek help sooner, it would save them so much time, money and even their business?” They also commented “If business owners started working with a trained coach, like you, before or as soon as they noticed there was a problem it would prevent so many.”

And I think the reasons most business owners don’t seek the expert help from a business coach are very similar to why your patients don’t come to you sooner.

·        Busy lives personally and professionally so think they don’t have the time

·        Fear about what the coach may uncover

·        Unwillingness to accept responsibility

·        Unwillingness maybe due to lack of knowledge of what to change

·        Concern about the level of investment, required to solve the problems

·        Not understanding the business of business

·        Not knowing who to turn to

·        Fearful about what they may have to do to correct the situation

·        Ability to find quick fix short term solutions, e.g. overdraft extensions, changing staff, attracting new clients etc.

From an early age I remember my grandmother telling me that pain was a good thing, because it meant something was wrong and that you had an opportunity to put it right and I think that this applies to business too. The knack is to spot the pain early because it really causes an problem and costs you a lot more in time, energy and money.

So what are the early signs of pain in a dental practice or business?

These could include the following;

ü  Drop in income

ü  Cheques and payments bouncing,

ü  Overdraft and other debts increasing

ü  You are unhappy and so are your staff

ü  High turnover and high absence rate of staff

ü  Missing your UDA targets

ü  Your partner is unhappy at the amount of time you spend at work

ü  Equipment failure

ü  FTA’s late cancellations and gaps in your appointment

ü  Patients declining or putting off treatment plans

ü  Drop of in new patients

And the signs and symptoms of a practice and business in more severe problems could include,

ü  The bank has withdrawn your overdraft,

ü  You can’t pay your bills on time

ü  High level of sickness and absenteeism

ü  You lose several staff at the same time,

ü  High turnover of the staff

ü  Your PCT cancels your contract,

ü  Your partner leaves you because they never see you,

ü  A vital piece equipment fails and you can’t work,

ü  Your clients and patients have left you for the competition.

ü  Patients quibbling over fees and treatment plans

ü  Spaces in the appointment book.

ü  Patient complaints

ü  Broken personal relationships

ü  You become physically or psychologically sick and can’t work

ü  Abuse of or dependence or on alcohol or drugs

ü  Insomnia

ü  In extreme cases suicidal thoughts or action.

ü  Any of these sound familiar?

What are the consequences if your patient puts off seeking treatment for toothache? At best it is a filling, larger than if it were treated in the first instance and yet relatively easy to restore, other consequences could be root canal and a crown or an extraction followed by a bridge or implants; all of which are significantly more expensive than if the tooth ache were treated early.

What are the consequences of not seeking professional coaching advice early? At best it is the same philosophies just more difficult expensive and time consuming to implement at worst it could be that the business fails and you lose everything.  Which would you choose?

Dentists and dental team members, like you, do amazing work and so it saddens me when I hear stories about practices with financial problems, insufficient patients and staff that are not working as a team, principals that are struggling to keep on top of running the practice and the clinical work, working early mornings, lunch times, evenings and weekends. Does this sound like you?

My job is to help you make your good practice great,

Be kind to yourself, take a look at what is happening in your practice, recognise any painful experiences for the useful messages they are and enlist the help of a professional coach ASAP.

To help you identify the health of your practice, I have create the Brilliant practice evaluation (BPE)


 When you are ready to resolve the pain in your practice or business e mail me on or call me 07989757884 to find out how we can help you with our coaching packages, we have one designed to fit your needs and budget.


Thursday, 18 July 2013

You can win a coaching or training session valued £300.

You can win a coaching or training session valued £300.

To win an hour of free coaching session valued at £300 send an e mail titled July Prize Draw to answering the questions below and the first person out of the hat will win a one hour coaching session free
• What are the 3 biggest frustrations in your practice related to sales and treatment plan conversion?
• What impact is this situation having on you, your team and your patients?
• If this situation stays the same or deteriorates what will the impact be in the next 12 months?

Send your answers to

The closing date to submit your answers is the last day of the month

The winner will be announced in the September 2013 newsletter.

This month you could be the winner – send in your entry today.

• What are the 3 biggest frustrations in your practice related to sales and treatment plan conversion?
• What impact is this situation having on you, your team and your patients?
• If this situation stays the same or deteriorates what will the impact be in the next 12 months?

This is what our previous winners have said;

“I have been quite staggered by the progress we have made since we last spoke”
RD Dentist Warwickshire

“I think you are excellent”
JT Dentist Ireland

“Thank you very much for a wonderful coaching session. I feel empowered again”
PJ dentist Harrow

Some of our previous winners include
Dr Claudia Muegge
Dr Elaine Hope
Dr Stephen Murray
Dr Alistair Saleem
Dr Priti Joshi
Marcus Clery
Hilary Fletcher Ecco Oxford

You can win send your answers to  today

• What are the 3 biggest frustrations in your practice related to sales and treatment plan conversion?
• What impact is this situation having on you, your team and your patients?
• If this situation stays the same or deteriorates what will the impact be in the next 12 months?

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Is your practice unwell?

It is a well-known fact that people are more likely to seek advice from a doctor, dentist, osteopath etc. when they have an acute problem, that is that the pain is incredibly bad, debilitating and can’t be ignored,  than when they have a chronic, low grade or grumbling problem that they can mask or ignore. Ask any healthcare practitioner and they will usually say “I wish you had come to me as soon as you noticed this, I could have prevented the pain you are in now, and the treatment would have been quicker, more effective and less expensive in terms of time and money.”

The same is true of an ailing practice or business, spot the signs early and call me in as your expert coach and you will not only save yourself time, money and stress, you will improve your finances, your patients health and your quality of life so you will be able to spend more time and money doing what you want, with who you want, when you want. Sound like a good idea?

What are the signs and symptoms of an unwell practice?

Are you suffering from low grade chronic problems in your business that until now you have masked or that or ignored, or is your practice unwell in need of urgent reparative treatment and care?

What are the signs and symptoms of a chronically unwell practice?

These include the following;

  • Drop in income
  • Cheques and payments bouncing,
  • Overdraft and other debts increasing
  • You are unhappy and so are your staff
  • High turnover and high absence rate of staff
  • Missing your UDA targets
  • Your partner is unhappy at the amount of time you spend at work
  • Equipment failure
  • FTA’s late cancellations and gaps in your appointment
  • Patients declining or putting off treatment plans
  • Drop of in new patients
  • Permanently stressed
  • Difficult personal or professional relationships

Sound familiar? Because you have now noticed there is a problem, now is the time to work with me as your business coach before things get worse.

What are the signs and symptoms of an acutely sick practice?

  • The bank has withdrawn your overdraft,
  • You can’t pay your bills on time
  • High level of sickness and absenteeism
  • You lose several staff at the same time,
  • High turnover of the staff
  • Your PCT cancels your contract,
  •  Your partner leaves you because they never see you,
  •  A vital piece equipment fails and you can’t work,
  • Your clients and patients have left you for the competition.
  • Patients quibbling over fees and treatment plans
  • Spaces in the appointment book.
  • Patient complaints
  • Broken personal relationships
  • You become physically or psychologically sick and can’t work
  • Abuse of or dependence or on alcohol or drugs
  • Insomnia
  • Permanently stressed
  • In extreme cases suicidal thoughts or action.

What are the consequences if your patient puts off seeking treatment for toothache? That’s right at best it is more complicated and more expensive and at worse they may lose their tooth.
What will the consequences be if you continue put of seeking professional coaching advice to help with your ailing practice?

Dentists and dental team members like you do amazing work and so it saddens me when I also hear stories about practices with financial problems, insufficient patients and staff that are not working as a team, principals that are struggling to keep on top of running the practice and the clinical work, working early mornings, lunch times, evenings and weekends. Does this sound like you?

“Changing people's lives by changing people smiles.”

 To check the health of your practice complete a free Brilliant practice evaluation (BPE)

Click here for your free BPE or visit to find out more

Monday, 15 July 2013

4 steps to success


 Which of these statements best describe your practice?

  • My appointment book has become gappy, I am seeing fewer new patients. 
  • My takings have gone down, my financial position is getting tight. 
  • The patients I do see are spending less and putting off treatment. 
  • The marketing I have done hasn’t worked and I don’t know what else to do. 
  • There is too much ’red tape’, I don’t have enough time to do everything I am supposed to. 
  • I am working harder and earning less, my home life  and health is suffering. 
  • I find it difficult to recruit, train, manage and retain staff that do their job properly. 
  • I am considering selling my business. 
  • I am a dentist not a business person. 
  • Dentistry is not fun anymore.

We are here to help

If you answered yes to any of those questions, this course is perfect for you and your team.

You are invited to a FREE dental training event for you and all your team

 Date                Wednesday 18th September

Time                16:30 -21:30

Venue               Orthoclinique SG5 1JW

Hosted By        Dr Jane Lelean             The institute of Dental Business

                        Marie Brown                   Henry Schein

                        Rajan Bhatiani               Orthoclinique

CPD              3 hours verifyiable

4 steps to success teaches you what you weren’t taught at dental school, how to create and manage a really successful practice, that you and your staff want to work in and your patients want to attend. Follow these 4 simple steps and your success is guaranteed.

For more information and to register visit

Join us click here and visit

“It was really useful and interesting! Try it and see!”
Hulya Huseyin – Practice Manager Surrey

“Motivation and good ideas to implement”
Principle Dentist, Maria Keady, Suffolk

“I have got everything I was looking for from this evening’s coaching session and most importantly I now have clarity and I know where I am going”
Dr Reynolds Principal Dentist Eire

"Very Clear about the practice and it comes across including increased confidence.
Please go – you’ll find it valuable"
B Carlyle, Belfast

"It was a great session yesterday.  I learned so much in one hour.”
Selaraj Balaji Dentist Buckinghamshire

"I definitely came away with new ideas to implement"
C Henderson, Belfast

"How good was that training!"
L Quinn, Belfast

Join us click here and visit

because we want to give all delegates an personalised evening, we are limiting places, so book early to reserve your place.