Music Music also affects your well being and mood, certain tunes will be relaxing and soporific and others uplifting and joyful whilst others can make you combative or confrontational. Choose your music carefully and ensure you have a license.
Plants Plants will clean pollutants from the air, they also add humidity and oxygen as well as looking attractive
Breaks Studies show that for most people their concentration span is between 20-45 minute. Physical movement will enable your brain to re-engage and stay active. Sitting in one place for prolonged periods can also be very detrimental to your posture. Make sure you get up and walk around every 20 minutes.
Water Your bodies are over 80% water, and good hydration is essential for good mental function and physical well being. Stay hydrated by regularly drinking fresh pure water throughout the day
Eat well Dentists very often skip lunch, often working through; this can be very detrimental to your metabolism. Make sure you eat lunch, a fresh salad is far better than a carbohydrate laden sandwich.
Sleep Studies have shown than most the population is chronically sleep deprived. Know how much sleep you need and make sure you sleep adequately.
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