Free SKype tele-seminar at 19:00 tomorrow evening - 10 reasons why you should put your prices up in a recession
to register click here
Monday, 28 February 2011
Free Skype tele-seminar 10 reasons you should put your prices up in a recession
Thursday, 24 February 2011
Monday, 21 February 2011
Free Teleseminar -Tuesday 1st March
Free skype teleseminar Top 10 reasons to put your prices up in a recession
Click here to register
Monday, 14 February 2011
How strong are your practice foundations?
There is a parable about two men a wise man and a foolish man.
The wise built his house upon the rocks, he built it slowly and securely and on very solid foundations. The foolish man built his house very quickly on the sand.
Eventually the winds blew, the rain poured down, floods came .
The house that was built upon the rocks withstood the ravages whilst the house built on the sand collapsed, failed and was washed away.
If your practice were a house what foundations have you built it upon?
All too often I come across dental practices that are established purely on the basis that the dentists are skilled clinicians. Excellent clinical skills are essential if your practice is going to survive the metaphorical wind, rain and floods that you will encounter, however clinical skill alone are not enough. For your practice to built on rock foundations you must also embrace solid business foundations which include;
- A compelling vision
- Time management and planning
- Financial control
- Customer service
- Harmonious teamwork
- Sales and honest selling skills
- Business systems and organisation
- Marketing
- Inspirational leadership
- Work Life balance
If you would like to have a free audit of your business foundations, contact me now 00 44(0) 7989 757 884 or
Why dentists should network
"Yesterday morning I was chairing a vibrant meeting of a local networking group of which I am co-chair
Networking is a key element of my marketing strategy and has been crucial to me building my business and could be to your practice. As I look at my top 10 sources of business for the year to date 7 out of 10 of them are networking contacts.Many dentists often ask me “Why should I network?”
Here are some very good reasons why networking is an essential low cost high return form or marketing, and why your practice should be represented at each networking meeting by you or a member of your team
- It will become a source of direct and indirect referrals from members in the group.
- It significantly increases your profile in the community.
- Enables you to get very clear about your ideal clients
- Enables you to share with others what value you add to your patients and have many people spread the word for you.
- You will find people who can help you in your practice, e.g. bookkeepers, web designers, accountants, computer support, marketing agents graphic designers, printers etc.
- Who will be able to offer you a more personal and cost effective service.
- You will identify other businesses with whom you can develop strategic alliances and do joint marketing ventures and cross sell your services, e.g. photographers, beauticians, image consultants, hairdressers etc.
- You will build a support network of fellow local business people.
To find your local networking group contact your local business link.
If you would like to know more about how networking can build your practice, call me on 07989 757 884 or e mail""
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Can a coach help you grow your dental business?
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Top tips for a happy dental practice

Music Music also affects your well being and mood, certain tunes will be relaxing and soporific and others uplifting and joyful whilst others can make you combative or confrontational. Choose your music carefully and ensure you have a license.
Plants Plants will clean pollutants from the air, they also add humidity and oxygen as well as looking attractive
Breaks Studies show that for most people their concentration span is between 20-45 minute. Physical movement will enable your brain to re-engage and stay active. Sitting in one place for prolonged periods can also be very detrimental to your posture. Make sure you get up and walk around every 20 minutes.
Water Your bodies are over 80% water, and good hydration is essential for good mental function and physical well being. Stay hydrated by regularly drinking fresh pure water throughout the day
Eat well Dentists very often skip lunch, often working through; this can be very detrimental to your metabolism. Make sure you eat lunch, a fresh salad is far better than a carbohydrate laden sandwich.
Sleep Studies have shown than most the population is chronically sleep deprived. Know how much sleep you need and make sure you sleep adequately.
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
The seven deadly sins of dental practice management

Be one of the first to download my free e book "The seven deadly sins of dental practice management"
Click here to download
Let me know what you think
Monday, 7 February 2011
How can Mary Portas : Secret Shopper help your practice?

As a business coach I often encourage my clients to become like magpies and ‘borrow’ I really good ideas from other industries and incorporate them into their own practice.
I have become a fan of Mary Portas and her new program Secret shopper on Channel 4, as I think that this show is a really good example of how you can build a really good practice using simple concepts borrowed from other market sectors.
Throughout this series Mary simple implements changes into high street stores that result in dramatic improvements in turn over and customer satisfaction. Mary often implements the same changes into vastly dissimilar businesses with the same results. Some of the trends I have noticed that Mary is capitalising on include;
ü Putting the customer wants first of all
ü Getting to know the customer and their lifestyle
ü Not telling the customer what they should have
ü Creating an environment that the customer feels welcome and comfortable
ü Identifying key target audiences and tailoring the offerings to them.
ü Displaying the full range of services in a tangible way
What have you noticed are the common themes in Mary’s programmes?
How can you incorporate them into your practice to achieve similar results of increased sales and customer satisfaction?
Thursday, 3 February 2011
How emotionally connected are your patients? (and why does it matter)

The other day I came across some research that related to retention of customers, referal rates and purchasing and how these factors are affected by how emotionally connected the client feels to us.
| Retention | Recommendations | Buy more |
Unfulfilled | 7% | 3% | 9%
Functionally satisfied | 33% | 16% | 10%
Emotionally connected | 58% | 49% | 41%
Whilst the research was not undertaken within dental practices, the principles are still valid.
What the study shows very clearly is that when our patients are emotionally connected to us and our practices they are more likely to stay as patients, refer us new clients and buy more from us.
So the question is; How do all members of your team need to be, and what do you and all need to do to establish an emotional connection with your patients?
Tuesday, 1 February 2011

I was at a seminar this morning discussing the equation for wealth
A group of us acknowledged that W=V X L
Where W = Wealth
V = Value
L = Leverage
So what this means is that our wealth is determined by how much value we add multiplied by how much leverage we can apply
For most of us the concept of wealth and value are relatively easy to understand, the term leverage is a little more abstract.
Essentially leverage is a multiplier, if you can remember back to your days of elementary physics you will recall a lever allows you to move a heavy load with reduced effort, or a much heavier load with the same effort. So to with wealth generation when you have got leverage you can achieve so much more with reduced effort.
“So what are these levers?”
5 levers in wealth generation
· Finance – tha ability to use other peoples money.
You may be wanting to develop, extend, or refurbish your practice, and not have the funds yourself, who else can you get to invest in the project for you?
· People – other people’s time.
As a principal of a busy dental practice you have many demands on your time, who else can you ask to do the work? Who can you develop a stragegic alliance partnership (SAP) with who may be willing to develop your practice? Some people do not want to be paid, I have come across a local business school whose graduates are looking to have business project for a discertation and want to do the work and not get paid. Win Win
· Systems and technology
Systems and technology are a great way to save time and improve your offering to clients. And yet inmy experience with the practices I work with the systems and technology are generally under utilised or not fit for purpose. I was talking to two practices the other day who have gappy appointment books about their recall and reactivation systems, only to discover that they are not computerised and are trying and failing to maintain a steady flow of patients with pen and paper. As you think about your practice, where could effective use of systems and technology enable you to grow your wealth?
· Marketing
Marketing, particularly digital, social and online marketing are a wonderful way of communicating your message and value to many people at one time. Using your computer and the right software, it takes the same effort to converse with one potential client as it does to 1,000. Developing joint ventures (JV’s) with people who are already working with your ideal patient base, and you theirs, is a very cost effective way of accessing potential patients at minimal cost. If your marketing was really working what added wealth could it generate for your practice? Who could you joint venture with to build your practice?
· Franchising and licensing
This is a very efficient way of converting knowledge, systems and concepts in to wealth. This is really under utilised currently in the dental market place at present although I am seeing increasing evidence of people embracing the concepts and making returns. What specific system, concept or piece of knowledge do you have in your practice that you could franchise or license?
If you would like to discuss or explore any of the issues raised in this blog please e mail me .uk or call me on 0044 (0) 7989 757 884