Is your practice going in the direction you want it to?
Is your life going in the direction you want it to?
Do you have as much time, money, or energy as you would like?
The most common reasons clients approach me to work with them is because they have problems in some of the following areas
· Financial
· Lack of patients
· Poor relationships or performance within the team
· Dissatisfaction with their job and role within the practice
· Poor health
· Sense of overwhelm and not knowing which way to turn
Which of these sounds or feels familiar to you?
Have you failed in the past to make the changes you want to?
In this series of blog postings I will show you how to set goals and make resolutions that become a reality.
In my last posting I asked you to reflect on last year considering the following questions,
- What were my greatest accomplishments in last year?
- What were my greatest disappointments?
- What do I dream of achieving this year?
- What do I want more of this year?
- What do I need to learn?
- What must stay in last year?
Today I would like to help you word your goal so that it becomes motivational and compelling.
And before I do this a little experiment.
I don’t want you to think about a blue hippopotamus playing the cymbals, real I don’t want you to think about a blue hippopotamus playing the cymbals.
What happened? You did think about and see an image of a blue hippopotamus playing the cymbals, before you erased the image.
Visualisation is a really powerful tool to getting what you want, which is why it is used so frequently by top athletes, business people and others who want to achieve success, wording your goals is key to this.
The key to wording your goal is to State your goal in the positive.
Many people this time of year want to lose weight and will state intentions by saying
I want to lose my big fat stomach,
I want to be less than 15 stone
I want to get rid of my flabby thighs
In doing so like with our blue hippo they are directing their mind to precisely what they don’t want and increasing the getting to opposite to what they desire
So for the above examples better phases would be
I want a small slim stomach
I want to be 12 stone
I want sleek toned thighs
Other examples, where I have highlighted the direction of your attention
· I want to clear my debt instead use I want to be financially free
· I want my staff to stop fighting instead use, I want to create a harmonious hardworking team
· I want to fill the gaps in my appointment book instead use, I want to create an appointment book filled with rewarding treatment
· I don’t want to be sick instead use I want to be fit and healthy
· I no longer what to be overwhelmed, instead use I want to be fully in control of my practice
What are the things you want to achieve in 2011 as you now state them in the positive?
Drop me an e mail and let me know, because I am interested.
Next we will be looking at how to refine your goal.
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