If we presuppose for a moment that this is true for a moment and it is the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual mess in our lives that is blocking our success, and that by clearing up these messes we are actually preparing the ground for really successful lives and businesses.
I would invite you to take a few moments over the next few days and weeks ahead and consider;
- · Where is the mess in your life?
- · What steps can you and will you take to clean it up?
Mess in our lives can take many forms and below is a list of areas that many of my clients have reported to have been in a mess, and that when they cleaned it up, they noticed significant improvements.
· Physical mess and clutter, in living spaces, garages sheds etc
· Outstanding maintenance and repairs required at home, work, vehicles etc
· Unwanted / unused clothes, possessions etc
· Cluttered e mail inboxes
· Mis-understandings in communications
· Broken promises and agreements
· Chaotic finances, un reconciled accounts and lack of budgeting
· Broken relationships and harboured resentments
· Unhealthy habits
So as you clear up the Christmas wrapping paper, and over the next couple of weeks you take down the decorations and clear up some of the post Christmas mess and start planning 2011, take a few moments to let your mind wander to the other areas of your life that could be tidied up too.
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