In my last post I suggested that you have a voice(s) in your head that are generally critical and unhelpful, and ultimately prevent you from being as successful as you want to be.
You could be considering asking someone out on a date only to change your mind when the voice in your head says “She will never say yes, she is gorgeous and you are so ordinary” The sad thing is you will never know if she would have said ‘yes’ because the critical voice put you off.
Or at work you could be about to suggest a treatment plan with implants and cosmetic work only to change your mind at the last minute and offer a denture because your critical voice tells you “don’t be stupid, look at them they can’t afford that.” And you will never know if they could.
By now you will have begun to consider
· When the critical voice in your head start to talk
· What it says to you?
· How you respond to what the voice is saying?
I would like to introduce some of my favourite ways to quieten your critical voice, so you can begin to make better decisions and take more profitable actions whether at work or in your personal life.
Option 1 - Notice it
This may seem over simple and yet it is a powerful way to dis-empower the critical self talk, all you need to do is pay attention to when it appears and notice that it has done so.
In many ways your critical voice is like an attention seeking child, who will play up and be naughty until they have their parent’s attention and then will quieten down.
Until my next post I invite you to become an observer of your thoughts, and when you notice a critical voice say to yourself “I have spotted one, that was a critical voice”. No judgement needed about what it is saying, just notice it. You may choose to write down what it says, and when it crops up or you may not either way is fine, it is the noticing that is important. The process of noticing the critical voice as soon as it arrives, is usually enough to encourage it to become quiet.
In my next post I will explore how to embrace the message.
If before then you have noticed that you have very noisy critical voices in your head that are stopping you from doing or being something you want to, call me and I will enable you to keep them quiet permanently. Call me on 07989 757884 or e mail jane@healthyandwealthy.co.uk
If you have any critical voice stories do please share them with me on the comment box below.
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