How has 2022 been for you?
For many it has been turbulent and they have felt like they are a wave in a storm being crashed against the rocks?
We can use the WAVES to plan a successful 2023
W – Witness and Wonder = WITNESS what happened in 2022, consider your experiences and WONDER what could be possible in 2023. What will have to be true for you to consider 2023 a success?
A – Attention and Accumulate = pay ATTENTION to the skills you and your team need to develop, ACCUMULATE at team of people around you to support you. You cannot do it alone, success is a team event.
V-Venture. = Step out, widen your circle of experiences, you can take tiny step or big ones, it doesn’t matter, the key is that you VENTURE out and have new experiences. If you want different result you have to use new approaches.
E- Embrace and enrich. = EMBRACE the journey, it will have crests and troughs, there will be changes in wavelength and frequency, learn to surf, becoming comfortable with change, reflect from the highs and lows. ENRICH your skills, mindset, and development.
S= Scrutinise and Sustain. = Make time to SCRUTINISE you results, the good, the bad and the ugly. Be really honest with yourself and your team, what must you do and who must you be to achieve the outstanding results you want. Plan a plan to SUSTAIN yourself and those around you physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. You cannot function with a flat battery, discover what charges yours and look after your battery as well as or better than that in your phone.
Wave good bye to 2022 and welcome a successful 2023
Book a SPEAK WITH JANE call to discover how coaching, training and mentoring with Jane will make 2023 your best year yet.