Monday, 24 August 2020

Before you start bonding you need to bond

 Before you start bonding you need to bond


Adhesive dentistry and minimally invasive techniques have changed the way we do dentistry.

35 years ago, when I was a dental student the only composite that we had was occlusion, and it really did not look that great, and didn’t bond that well either.

Minimally invasive techniques combined with modern day composites look incredible, they have the potential to be practice builders, little if any drilling, fabulous aesthetics, and function restored in one visit what is there not for your patients to love?

Before you get a chance to do modern day bonding you will need to do old fashioned bonding to build rapport with your patients. Experience shows that until your patients know you, like you, and trust you, they are unlikely to invest their precious time or money with you.

The great news is that old fashioned bonding, or as we call it rapport takes very little time it can be done using a video platform, over the telephone as well as face to face. In the current way of working you can create deep trust and rapport with your patients irrespective of the PPE or social distancing.


Our goal in building patient relationships is rapport, a close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well.

When you have this, you will understand your patients and they will understand you. Other benefits of establishing rapport, include less stress, less conflict, fewer complaints, patients experience less discomfort or post op problems, happier patients, treatment is easier to deliver.

Think about it for a moment, If you are in an area where there are people gathered, you intuitively know who gets on and who does not, don’t you? What is it that you are unconsciously aware of to be so accurate? The psychologists have demonstrated that it is a result of how closely with match another person. Those people that get along well, walk in step, are in harmony and see things from the same viewpoint, that is people are really connected and bonded, naturally become an echo or mirror of one another.

Accepted wisdom is that 55% of our communication is through body language, gestures, and posture, 38% is through vocal tonality, volume, rhythm, harmony and 7% the words we use.

If we assume that this is true, what is our most powerful modality of communication?

That is correct, your body language.


It therefore follows, when we decide that we want to establish rapport, we actively choose to do what people who get along do naturally, we become as much like our patients as possible, because people like people like them.

I am going to invite you to match and mirror as closely as possible

1)   Body language including

      i.        Head position

     ii.        Part-body postures

    iii.        Half-body postures

    iv.        Limb position and movement

     v.        Hand position and movement

    vi.        Gestures

  vii.        Facial expressions

 viii.        Eye movements, eye contact, blink rates

   ix.        Habits and ticks

    x.        Energy

   xi.        Breathing, location, rate                                                                                                        

2)   Non-verbal vocal qualities: including

      i.        Speed of speech

     ii.        Volume

    iii.        Timbre

    iv.        Tempo                                                                                                                                                                

3)   Verbal qualities

      i.        Words

     ii.        Verbal syntax

    iii.        Representational systems

    iv.        Meta programmes

What we discover in our workshops that when delegates match one another more closely, they become more engaged, more interested, remember the conversation, feel more connected and listened to. What impact would it have on your patient relationships if your patients felt that way too?

Your patients are unlikely to remember what you do, they are unlikely to remember what you say and they will always remember how you made them feel.


Mirroring has been tested and proved to be effective in lab research and please don’t believe what I say, try it out for yourself, match and mirror people and notice what happens to your connection, depth of communication and trust as a result.

Here are some examples of people matching, do you think it is natural or active, with the intent to build rapport? Does it matter? does the ends justify the means?

Examples of mis matching that breaks rapport and that you can sense that lack of rapport, lack of engagement, lack of trus, and even dislike.


By way of a comparison

Notice the smiles with the matching and the frowns with the mis matching.

What do you want for your patients, team, family and friends?

Let me know what happens when you experiement with bonding techniques.