4 EASY steps to better
There are only 4 steps to better. - So much easier than you may thought.
Think for a moment about your personal and professional life, where would you like them to be better?
Are there areas that have been affected by covid and lock down that you would like to restore and make better, maybe even better than they were pre-covid?
The balance wheel below may help you identify areas in your personal or business life that you would like to make better.
Once you have identified what you what to make better, now for the
Unconscious Incompetence
You don’t know what you don’t know. Ignorance is bliss, or not as the case may be. This is a place that often involves, frustration, disappointment, stress, anger, self-doubt. Now is the perfect time to move on, and make the change, because doing the same as you have always done will only yield the same results.
Conscious Incompetence
This step is essential. You must identify the truth about your current situation, not overdramatise and make it worse than it is, or gloss it up making it seem better, the honest truth about your situation. Unless and until you take this step, you cannot improve those areas that frustrate you, stress you or make you unhappy. This is where the balance wheel above and talking through them with a coach will be really useful. This step of revelation is often associated with mixed emotions, excitement, anticipation, frustration, sadness, notice them and progress to stage 3
Conscious Competence
This is a stage of learning., developing new skills, discovering new and better ways to achieve what you want. You achieve conscious competence by working with trainers, attending seminars, reading books, working with a coach therapist or mentor, and putting what you learn into practice. Conscious competencies a period of action and reflection Thinking about what your outcomes, designing, implementing strategies, reflection on the results and changing your approach until you see the results.
Unconscious Competence (Better)
With focused thought and practice, new habits become embedded, practice makes permanent, new approaches become part of your muscle memory and you are now achieving what you set out to without thinking about it, better is your new way of being. Until you move the goal posts and start the process again. This quadrant is a time when you feel peace, sense of achievement, seeing results and new and better comfort zone. Just as the seasons must change, we need winter just as much as spring, summer and autumn, so to will you change and you will begin the cycle again so you are in a eternal process of tweaking, constantly learning growing, practicing and feeling fulfilled.
I would love to hear your comments and reflections on this article, how do you feel about the concepts, what do you see and sense from your balance wheels?
If you would like to talk anything through, e mail me Jane@IODB.co.uk to set up a call.