Tuesday, 14 May 2019

In support of all female dentists

This week is mental health awareness week in the UK. 
Nationally, we are being asked are you surviving or thriving?

How are you coping in the current dental climate,
are your thriving or just surviving?

Which female dentists, do you know who are surviving instead of thriving?
Who do you know that you know has suffered from, are currently suffering with or at future risk of stress, anxiety, burnout and mental health issues caused or exaggerated by dentistry? 

The Institute of dental business is here to ensure that all members of the dental team thrive in their career.

Some of the major stressors include fear of the GDC, receiving and dealing with complaints, GDC and other legal cases.

 It is frequently claimed that at the heart of every patient complaint and GDC hearing is poor patient communication and understanding. 

Patient Centred Sales -BEST CHOICES is a unique communication skills training programme designed for dentists and their support  team. This event has been designed to give confidence, peace of mind and to eliminate patient complaints.

BEST CHOICES is a easy to follow framework that puts your patients' wants, needs, preferences and expectations at the centre of their care and treatment enabling them to make the BEST CHOICES rather than the cheapest choices. 

What you and your team will learn, at this 2-day event, will transform

Stress into celebration 
Complaints into compliments
Fear into fortune
Concern into confidence

You will also benefit from effortlessly

Increased income,
Propagation of profitability  
Proliferation in patient numbers
Transformation in your team
Confidence and peace of mind 

Patient Centred Sales BEST CHOICES is next running as a female dentist only event, 30th and 31st May.  Use the promotional code MHW and you will recieve discounted tickets for you and your team. This offer ends on Friday 17th. Click here.


Promotional code to access these special tickets MHW
Please pass this message on to your female colleagues

We look forward to welcoming you and sharing your celebrations.

“Hi Jane, I Would just like to tell you that your course, “Patient Centred Sales -BEST CHOICES” is the best thing I have ever done and yes you can quote me on that!!”
Catherine Collypriest, Dentist, Wales

“I am at the very beginning of my career and know that Jane's course has set some very solid foundations and valuable principles to base my practice on.
The two days were structured and followed a very clear-path.
Jane also manages to make them centred around the needs and expectations of us delegates.
The content is useable immediately and the techniques live up to what the course says on the tin - you can see how they'll be really effective, whilst keeping the patient at the heart of each method.” R.S. dentist Oxford

Any questions e mail Jane@IODB.co.uk or call 07989 757 884

Arrive with questions leave with solutions

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Overcoming debilitating anxiety is quick – a case history

I was recently asked to offer a therapeutic coaching session to a new client, the presenting symptoms included;
·      being ill nine months ago and not working since
·      very anxious, suffering panic attacks
·      inability to open post
·      very distressed when the doorbell rang could not open the door
·      unable go to public places alone
·      intimate and non-intimate touch from partner difficult.

Historically, the client had had some issues that had involved referral and medication, a lot of time and money had been spent on conventional therapy and CBT, with no resolution, some experiences, signs, and symptoms were worsened as a result. Consequently, my client did not believe that change and resolution were possible. They wre very sceptical of therapeutic coaching and admitted they were only seeing me to keep their partner happy.

I spent two hours with my client, using an approach that did not require them to tell me any details about their experiences, triggers or traumas. Without revisiting painful memories, the anxiety and panic was completely resolved. At the end of the session my client told me, they had discovered the  situation they had thought, for years, had been the problem wasn't; it was something else. Now, the something else had been dealt with and they were ready and confident to move on with living life.

My client and their partner walked away hand in hand.

Two weeks on, I was pleased to hear from my client, they now have a job,  can open their post and all the other debilitating anxieties have gone. One very happy and grateful client.

What a result one session and two weeks.

If you, or someone you know is suffering from, stress, anxiety, depression, burnout, phobias, etc that are affecting their personal or professional life, where are they on this scale?

I am here to help you and your friends move to relaxed and confident permanently.

I can be contacted on 07989 757 884 or jane@IODB.co.uk for an informal conversation about  therapeutic coaching or to book a session


Your future needs attention today. Help is at hand, reach out.