I have recently been contacted by several practices to help
out and problem solve situations that have been presented to me as performance
issues that need to be sorted. I am pleased to say that in every situation I
have resolved the problems I have been brought in to address.
The following situations are a blend of the commonalties
from many practices. Generally, I am contacted by the practice manager who is
at the end of their tether, frustrated, and doesn’t know what else to do. Unfortunately,
they often don’t have the support of the principal who wants nothing to do with
the problems within the practice.
Generally speaking, the team is not functioning, everyone is
having a stressful, tough time, tensions are high, conversations fraught and there
is a cultural reluctance to support one another. High sickness, abscess and
staff resignations, money is very tight and there is little, if any, investment
in the practice or the team, appointments books are gappy and patients often
arrive late or FTA. Despite this most practices that contact me have not yet
had a serious patient complaint, significant incident, or unfavourable CQC assessment.
I am contacted because there is the recognition that it will not be long until the
house of cards collapses.

In most cases, the principal operates two or three multi-surgery
practices 30 miles or more apart, one or two are usually fully NHS staffed by
associates, and one is fully private which is where he is based. Some associates from the other practices come
to the private practice to do occasional sessions. The principal is stressed
about money, the NHS practice(s) is haemorrhaging money, associates are behind
on their UDA’s, they sell very little private work in the NHS practice, costs
are spiralling and the spectre of clawback is looming. The nurses and
receptionist clock watch and are out of the door as soon as it is home time and
often arrive just on time or late and never early. The principal is often so
concerned about time keeping they install CCTV or electronic clocking in
systems. To keep an eye on the UDA’s the principal looks at appointment books
remotely and are constantly on to the associates and practice managers about
gaps that appear. The principal’s primary concerns are associates not achieving
UDA’s, the practice manger not being on top of problems and bothering him, support
staff not staying to get things done. They are fed up, stressed, and are considering
throwing in the towel, this was not what they had imagined dentistry and
practice ownership to be.

The practice manager may or may not have a nursing back
ground, they struggle with understanding CQC and the other compliance issues. The
principal is always moaning about his support staff and their inadequate
performance, clock watching, being short staffed, lack of commitment etc. The
manager feels undermined as the principal contacts her every time there is a
space in the appointment book within the next fortnight - 3 weeks. She has not
had any formal training in leadership, management, or how to run a practice. The
managers without a nursing background are not given the opportunity to spend
any time in the surgery to find out what happens. The practice manager has more
than enough work to fill her hours and yet for at least half of the week she is
taken away from her duties to help out the receptionist or fill in for an
absent nurse. No wonder she feels overwhelmed.

The head nurse is at the end of her tether. She has been
qualified for many years, has extra qualifications. She has recently been
brought in to “get the nurses sorted out.” Despite the extra experience and responsibilities,
she is still paid less than if she worked the checkouts at the local
supermarket. All the nurses in the practice are apprentices or been nursing for
less than 2 years, none have a qualification or enrolled in college. The head
nurse expected to train them in-house even though she is allocated to surgery
duties for all the hours she is in the practice. The head nurse is very
concerned about cross infection control, policies are not being followed, HTM01-05
is not being adhered to and the surgery assistants will not remove nail varnish
false nails, jewellery, tie back hair etc. Another source of frustration is clinical
versus non-clinical clothes. When the head nurse asks her colleagues not to come
to work or go home in their scrubs but instead to arrive in non-clinical
clothes then change at work; she is told they don’t have time to get changed
and prepare or close down their surgery in their contracted hours. Because they
are not paid overtime, they are not prepared to come in early or stay late just
to get changed. The head nurse feels undermined and unsupported by the
principal and clinicians. At a recent social after work the nurses went to the
pub in scrubs, when she said this was not compliant, no one would back her up. A
predictable situation the nurses feel underpaid, undervalued and taken advantage
of with how much extra they are expected to do unpaid in their own time and therefore
play fast and loose with compliance. When the head nurse shows her colleagues
the best way to pouch and date instruments, so they are correctly sealed, she
is ignored. She is very aware that each surgery works completely differently
and there is inconsistency, no protocols for set up/clear down or how procedures
are carried out. Although she was brought in to train nurses there are no
pre-existing training protocols and she has been denied time to develop and
implement one and is expected to do it at home, in her own time with no extra remuneration,
just for the love of it. She feels impotent, she is passionate about her job, sees
the mistakes, and the opportunity for improvement and career development, yet
she is not given the time, resources, or support to be able to deliver what she
has been tasked with and she feels criticised and judged by the principal who
is not seeing changes other than increased resentment.

The nurses are all young apprentices on apprentice salaries.
Historically there has been a high turn-over of staff. The training is all
arranged in-house with no one registered on a formal training programme.
However, there is no time allocated for training or mentoring and the nurses
are expected to ‘pick-it- up’ as they go along. The nurses are resentful of the
new head nurse who is now telling them what they should or should not be doing
and they don’t see why as no-one has told them off before. Despite their lack of training they are convinced they know best and will contradict, the head nurse, practice manager and the clinicians. Lunchtimes are always shorter than 1 hour as
that is when emergencies are seen and they don’t have time to get changed into
and out of their scrubs when they go out for a sandwich or a cigarette. Why should
they use even more of their own time getting changed when they don’t get paid
over time for working through lunch? There is not a practice cleaner and the
nursing duties include cleaning the practice before they leave. There is a lot
of resentment between the team as they share a decontamination room and don’t have
a dedicated surgery, a big area of resentment is that instruments are being
left at the end of the day, not being pouched. The reason being is that they
are not paid over time beyond their contracted hours, they don’t have enough time to get
everything done, including the cleaning, before they go, especially if the
surgery is running late. The nurses would prefer to work in the private
practice because there are fewer patients and they get time to do their work,
however they are having to pay a lot more in travel expenses and child care and
this leaves them out of pocket so they and so object to working in the private
clinic. The nurses are resentful and feel under-valued and underpaid and don’t understand
why the principal won’t pay them a respectful salary or overtime especially as he has at least 4
foreign holidays a year and his Mercedes are never older than 3 years.

The associates are all young, qualified between 1-5 years
and all but one is an overseas qualified dentist. They cover both the NHS and
private clinics. The associates are fed up with being berated about UDA
targets. They feel they are doing their best and they find it difficult because
they are frequently working with different nurses, who are unskilled and
unfamiliar with both the surgery and the dentist’s style of working. The clinics
often run late with double booked emergency appointments, patients complain and nurses put pressure on the clinicians to dish out antibiotics rather than opening a tooth for drainage, because they dont get paid for working through lunch or at the end of the day. Added to this the equipment often fails and they are expected to sort out
problems because the principal won’t get an engineer in. All of the associates
were offered the jobs on a low % of gross with the promise of mentoring and
private work to compensate and this has never been forthcoming even when
requested. There has been a frequent turn-over of associates and newer
associates have been pressurised into signing contacts with large financial
penalties if they leave within 2 years, these associates now feel they have
been misled and trapped. Areas of concern that the associates have include, not
understanding the NHS UDA system, what they can legitimately claim for, what
private options they can offer and why they have to use the same materials for
NHS and private patients.

Reception is generally covered by only one receptionist
although there can be five surgeries running. When things are very busy, she is
helped out by the practice manager. She feels like she is never on top of
anything as the phone rings off the hook, all the estimates are directed to her
printer and she has to go through the treatment plans and get all the paperwork
signed. The receptionist has never worked in surgery and does not understand
what treatments involve and feels that she should not be talking through treatment
options on the front desk and that dentists should have printers in their
surgeries and discussing treatment plans. One of her biggest challenges is
managing pain and emergency appointments, the principal will not allow emergency
times to be pre-allocated because that risks gaps in the book if there aren’t
any emergency slots and consequently the patients are double booked or seen in
lunch times. The receptionist feels that she is working in a war zone, constantly
fending off patient’s criticism, she knows that it won’t be long until a
serious complaint letter arrives.
How would you manage a situation like this, put the nurses
through an aggressive performance management programme, which is what the principal wants to do?
For us this is not a performance issue is is a paradigm issue. Resolving the problems in a practice like this are
simple when you use a simple multifactorial approach. When a practice is
struggling, a team is in mutiny, finances are tight, there is seldom a single
factor as a cause and therefore not a one hit wonder solution. We create long lasting cost effective solutions
How we work.
We offer a comprehensive multifactorial holistic approach to
the health and well-being of the practice and the team as required.
A key starting point is the principal has to admit that the present
situation is not working and acknowledge a new approach is required, investing
time, attention and money. A process of active evaluation, reflection, decision
making and taking action.
Areas that we support our clients in will include,
The culture and values of the practice. What is
it that the practice has been established to achieve, how will everyone know
when this has been achieved? Highly successful practices are built on a solid foundation
of key values and a culture code which are consistently demonstrated in
behaviours creating an environment which exists with integrity.
Time management. How is everyone making best use
of the time available, without being put under duress. How can the appointment
book be run so that patients can be offered appointments when they need them
and appointment lengths are sufficiently long to do the correct treatment well?
Financial control. Make sure everyone in the
team has an understanding of the income and expenses budget, profitability goals,
and their role in helping the practice achieve them. Get conscious about the
costs and pricing structure so everyone knows how much the practice needs to
generate to stay afloat.
Team work. Create an organisational structure
that guarantees that all the functions of a sustainable practice are fulfilled
to a high standard. Create a culture where the team are respectful, respected, appreciate,
appreciated, help and helpful. This will involve regular conversations that are
curious and constructive. A pay structure that is fair and transparent.
Appropriate training, mentoring and coaching programmes for all members of the
team so they are able to master the skills they need.
Customer service. Putting the patient’s wants,
needs and preferences and the centre of what you do. Actively creating a world
class patient journey and experience that delivers great dentistry, beautiful smiles.
Who wants easy jet when you can fly Singapore or Quatar?
Systems. Development of systems, processes and a
practice-operations manual.
Leadership. Understanding what leadership is,
who are our leaders and influencers in practice, what are their roles, responsibilities,
and the inspirational repercussions.
Work-life balance. Creating a way that all team
members can balance their work and home commitments so they can be the best
version of themselves in every environment without sacrificing their sense of
self or personal values. Creating practices free from stress, anxiety and worry,
full of confidence, calm and commitment.
Once the solid foundations have been established then we
will assist you in focusing on marketing and sales to generate and retain more
patients and deliver larger more complex and profitable treatment plans.
Experience shows that to chase the money and the profit before
the secure foundations have been established, the money runs away.
We work with our clients to build the solid foundations
- Workshops such as Transform your practice in 10 Days
- 1-2-1 Coaching and mentoring
- In-house practice training.
If you would like to know more, please e mail
Jane@IODB.co.uk or call 07989 757 884
If you know a practice similar to the one above please contact us, we are here to help, support and transform.