Friday, 29 April 2016

Funny Dentist Friday

Funny Dentist Friday In memory of Victoria Wood

Friday, 22 April 2016

Funny Dentist Friday

Funny Dentist Friday

Because your business coach, knows you have a sense of humour


Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Dentists -Wednesday words of wisdom

Dentists and Dental Practice mangers,
What do you really love to do?

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Top Tip Tuesday

Have a clear and compelling vision for your practice and your personal life. Have a vision that excites you and scares you at the same time and yet drives you forward in your life each day. Regularly communicate your vision to everyone around you.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Top tips Tuesday

Have regular well structured meetings that all team members attend and participate in. Make sure the meetings are recorded, actions are agreed upon, time scales set and outcomes are reviewed at the next meeting. follow the meeting STREAMS.

The cost of bad customer service is. . .

The cost of bad customer service is. . .

With social media at your patient’s finger tips, poor and average customer service has the potential to destroy your reputation and livelihood over-night. Dentists, generically, are often ill thought of and feared, so sub optimal customer experiences makes difficult task of attracting new patients even harder

Signs and symptoms of poor customer service

·         Loss of current patients
Are you always on the marketing treadmill to fill your appointment books with new patients, to keep your income stable? Is this because your current patients are drifting away after they have attended for just a couple of appointments?
Even the. most forgiving patients who come to you because you are local, open when its convenient, want the treatment you offer, will leave if your customer service is less than they expect.

·         Loss of future patients
Your reputation precedes you, and patients love to compare bad stories about dentists. With social media and o-nline review sites, patients are very quick to react to a bad experience and tell the world. it is impossible for you to remove a bad review and can difficult to respond. Today, your future patient will look on line to find out about you before they attend, what are people saying about you on-line?

·         Loss of reputation.
“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.” Warren Buffett
Your financial future depend on patients returning to you, and new ones attending. Remember, in the summer of 2015, how quickly Walter Palmer’s practice closed after he shot Cecil the Lion.
How you treat your patients will affect your future patient numbers and your ability to attract and retain team members.

·         Loss of team members
A dental practice is nothing without its team. A mentor of mine often says “The way you do one thing, is the way you do everything.” If you are not treating your patient well, the chances are you are not treating your team well. People will put up with poor wages if they are treated well they will not put up with high wages if they are treated badly. As a general rule of thumb your nurses and reception team will defend your patients, and if they see, hear or experience patients being treated badly they will not tolerate it, and will leave.

·         Difficulty recruiting staff 
The dental world is a very small one, and news travels fast, and reputations linger .If  within the local dental community you have a reputation for poor customer experience, experience show that you will also have a difficult time reciting good team members.

·         Loss of profits
Poor customer service results in, fewer patients returning, those that do will buy less treatment and will chose the simpler less expensive options and you will find it hard to recruit new patients. This will hit your pockets hard research from many sources including Bain and co, shows that returning customers spend more money, because they purchase more expensive items and they are far more likely to introduce new patients.

Take a quick quiz
o   We are the preferred practice in our area
o   Over 80% of our patients are returning patients
o   Our patient numbers are increasing year on year
o   We have a great reputation locally.
o   Our google reviews, or equivalent, are 4 star and above
o   Our team members stay with us for 5 years or more
o   We find it easy to recruit new team members
o   Our profits are stable and increasing

8/8 excellent you are doing really well, remember to stay ahead of the curve your competitors will be trying to emulate you.
6 or 7/ 8 well done you are doing well and you will probably need greater structure, systemisation and consistency to your patient journey
5 or below your patient experience really needs some attention. You will need to define, systemise and implement a winning patient experience. Your team needs to be involved in the design of a new patient journey.

For more information about how we can make this process, easier, faster and at a cost effective price call us on 07989 757 884.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Promises, promises promises

Would you agree that trust is a really important factor in your relationships with your patients?

When you have a high level of trust with your team and patients, what happens as a result?

Most likely your patients come back regularly, they follow your recommendations for treatment, follow your post op and home care instructions, refer friends, pay bills on time without question, write testimonials. Your team is loyal, long service, few days absence, hard-working etc. which all results in a profitable successful practice that is enjoyable to work in and you are proud to own and be part of.

Conversely, you will have heard of dentists who have a low level of trust with their patients and staff, what happens there?
Non attendances, arguments over fees, complaints, absenteeism, high turn-over of staff, a living nightmare of stress every day. A practice that is short of patients, short of staff and short of money
The reason your patients trust you is probably because you have many unspoken promises about how you will and will not treat them, and the same will go for your team.
Once a patient gets over the threshold of practice they will understand why you are trustworthy, and I am curious how could you let your future patients know why you are special and an extra-ordinary dentist, that they should attend?

What difference would it make if you and your team, discussed and identified your unwritten promises to your patients and shared them?

To do this it is useful to think about what are the fears and anxieties that prevent people coming to the dentist or make appointments stressful. For example, running late, pain, not knowing how much it will cost, a different dentist every time, not understanding what is happening and why, what is it goes wrong etc

What do you do that eliminates the fears that patients usually have?
For example
We will always see you on time and if we don’t we will keep you informed
Our treatment is guaranteed, we will discuss this in another blog and at one of our teleseminar.
We will do everything we can to make your treatment comfortable
We will always give you a written treatment plan with cost and update it should it change
We will always explain the treatment what and why and if you want to know the how (not all patients want to know the technical details)

How can you turn these in to a list of promises for your patients and future patients?
Where can you publish the list? For example, your website, your patient welcome pack, your Facebook page, your blog etc.

These are my promises to you.

These are our guarantees and promises when you work with the Institute of dental business
We promise that you will get results, and that will have tool, tips, and strategies that will enable you to “Find our Fee” in your business within 12-weeks coaching your practice or your coaching is free.
Our coaching programs have been tested and proven with practices and other businesses all over the world, so when you work with us, you can be confident that you will get results. Results for you may me more patients, more time, more money, more reliable team, a better quality of life or something else. We promise that if you are making a good-faith effort and doing the required work assigned to you; you attend all coaching sessions and agreed-upon events and workshops and you complete all of your committed decisions and homework assignments on agreed-upon dates and you don’t get the results you want, we will coach you free until you do … no questions asked!

We promise to be honest about you and your business.
As your coach, part of my role is to make you aware of things that currently you cannot see because you are too close.  When you chose us, you want results we promise to be compassionately ruthless to get you the results you want we will give you tools to identify the truth about you and your practice, and honest feedback.

We promise to give workable solutions
As soon as you have recognised that there are areas for your practice to grow and improve, you will want to know what needs to be done and how to do it. We will help you identify who is best place in your team to do what needs to be done. We promise the solutions we provide will work for you provided you give them the time and attention they need to be implemented.

We promise a personalized approach to your practice
You and your business are unique and because of this we will offer solutions that are unique to you and your practice. Because you are relying on our experience in working with businesses of all kinds, you can be assured you will have a clear understanding of the nature of any program we recommend, and that your expectations will be properly managed as to anticipated outcomes and results.

We promise to hold you accountable
Have you ever had a situation when you needed to do something, you knew what and how to do it and still didn’t do it, because you weren’t accountable to anyone else? We promise to support you in reaching your goals by holding you accountable for doing what you need to.

We promises to only work with one business per postcode.
We know that you are choosing us as your coaches and trainers because  you want the competitive advantage in your area, to support you in this we promise to only work with one practice from any postcode area at one time.
We promise proven processes.
We have designed and tested our approach with dental practices and other businesses the world so that you can be confident that when you chose us you will have access to our tools and templates that work
We promise you a business mind-set and education.
Many practices, get where they get to because they think like dentists, the practices that get where they want to be is because they think like businesses.  If you want a different result, you will see that you need a different approach. Together we will enable you to achieve the results you want because you will think and see things differently.

We promise to involve the team.
Your success will depend on the team that you build around you. We want your success to be an easy and enjoyable journey, so we promise that wherever possible, we make it easy for you to involve the team.

We promise to put the patients first.
We know that within dentistry other coaches and trainers have a poor reputation because they are all about the money. We know how the GDC works and how you have a binding ethical and professional responsibility to put your patients first. All out unique approaches will keep you safe, your business will grow, become the practice you always dreamt of, delivering high quality care in a desirable surgery, with a united skilled team, giving you a profitable and fulfilling life.

We promise complete confidentiality.
Working together will require and involve honesty and sharing of very personal information and this can only be done on a solid foundation of trust. You can be reassured that all our conversations are confidential.

We promise not to do the work for you.
For you to be awarded a dental degree, you had to study, do the clinical work and sit and pass the exams, no one could do it on your behalf. You are going to reap the rich rewards of a successful practice and life, we will show you what to do and how to do it and we will not do it for you.

If you want to improve your practice call us on 07989 757 884 to find out how.

You can do a heath check of your practice using our free tool, The Brilliant Practice Evaluation (BPE)