Tuesday, 22 March 2016

“Put up your hand if you don’t like selling…”

“Put up your hand if you don’t like selling…”

Whenever I ask this question, the majority of the audience raise their hands. Even when I’m working with the senior members the team, it’s surprising how many dentists and team members have an aversion to this essential element of patient care. If the patients don’t buy the treatment, their dental health cannot and will not improve.
When I delve further, I usually discover that your memorable sales experiences, as a customer, can often involve being sold to in a heavy handed, pressured or manipulative way. I also discover that you have never been told or shown how to have those difficult NHS vs Private discussion in a safe way or how to ethically give all the advantages and disadvantages in an ethical way without talking your patients out of the optimal treatment plan for them. Because of all of this. Dentists and team members, like you, become fearful, especially in the litigious environment that you work in, about becoming the heavy handed, pressured or manipulative dentists, when discussing treatment options that may expose you to the risk of to getting sued or up before the GDC.

Why does it matter that you and your team learn to sell?
·         What difference would it make to the health of your patients if they ‘bought’ the treatment that was best for them rather than doing nothing or choosing the cheapest option?
·         What difference would it make to your practice when you created a reputation about providing the best?
·         What difference would it make to you when you can confidently and predictably help patients make the best decisions for their health and beauty?
·         What difference would it make to your team when together you can confidently talk about treatment options in a safe ethical way that is compliant with the GDC and CQC?

“People don't like to be sold, but they love to buy.”
 Jeffrey Gitomer

Think about all those wonderful experiences when you have bought something, a car, jewellery or a cup pf coffee and you enjoyed and delighted in the process. You didn’t even notice the sells process did you? Imagine what it would be like if you could create the environment in which your patients chose what is best for them and they enjoyed and delighted in the conversations with you?

“Your patients don’t pay for what you offer, they pay for the transformations you create”

Did you know that most dentists and dental team members will go through their whole career failing to help as many patients they want to, and not earning as much as they would have liked, and they don’t know why.
Instead of asking why can’t or don’t dentists sell well, wouldn’t it be better to ask yourself how can you do it differently, so that you keep safe and serve you patients in a way that others only dream about. You can change your patient’s health and beauty and your financial.

It's easy to point the finger at the economy, the NHS, the GDC or CQC it's even easier to cross your fingers and secretly hope and pray things will miraculously get better.

The honest truth is your patient’s health, your treatment plan conversions and your finances have nothing to do with how good or bad the market is, how the state of the NHS or even the GDC. The problem and the solution are not external, they internal.

Unfortunately, you'll be stuck with this set of circumstances for the rest of your life unless you change them! 

That's what you'll learn to do at Patient centred sales BEST CHOICES.

What you will learn:
ü  How to build rapid and lasting trust
ü  How to elicit the key information you are missing
ü  How to inspire confidence
ü  How to write and present the perfect treatment plan, to which the best and only answer is “Yes”
ü  How to anticipate and overcome valid objections
ü  How to “sell” in a way that is 100% safe, GDC and CQC compliant.
ü  How to engage your team
 During his life-changing 2 day event you don’t just learn what to do and say, you will learn how to do it and hone the skills before you leave. Extraordinary safe and predictable success - permanently - right there, right then!

By applying the tested and proven strategies we have shared with hundreds of dentists and team members, people from around the world, you'll get the results that you want.

Don't just take our word for it. Be there and experience it for yourself!

This programme comes with a money back guarantee
Dates available in April, July, September and November
Are you ready to make that change, click here for more information.

Monday, 7 March 2016

Will you be this month's winner?

Would you like to win £360 of coaching free?  

You can win a free coaching session valued £360, simply send us an e mail answering the questions below and the first person selected is the winner.

Send your e mail titled March Prize Draw to Jane@IODB.co.uk answering the questions below today and you could be a winner.

The closing date to submit your answers is the last day of the month

The winner will be announced in our May 2016 newsletter.

Prize draw questions
  • On a scale from 0 to 10, where zero is completely inadequate, and 10 is perfect how satisfied are you with how your financial situation?
  • How much have your current financial habits cost you financial, in lost opportunities etc.
  • Unless you change your financial habits, what will they cost you in your lifetime?
  • What has preventing you from making the important change?
  • If a miracle happened tonight and you woke up tomorrow morning living your perfect dream life, what would be different?

This month you could be the winner – send in your entry today.

This is what our previous winners have said;

“I have been quite staggered by the progress we have made since we last spoke” RD Dentist Warwickshire

“I think you are excellent”
JT Dentist Ireland

“Thank you very much for a wonderful coaching session. I feel empowered again”
PJ dentist Harrow

Some of our previous winners include
Dr Claudia Muegge
Dr Elaine Hope
Dr Stephen Murray
Dr Alistair Saleem
Dr Priti Joshi
Marcus Clery
Hilary Fletcher Ecco Oxford
John Perry
Paul Issacs
John Davies

Are you this month’s winner? Enter and find out

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Serve or sabotage?

A new client called me this week, because she was frustrated  and felt despondent about by her practice. She shared with me her biggest challenges, staff,  money, patients and time, all of which were causing her to be stressed, worried and sick, her future looked bleak and she could not see a way to transform her practice.

Fortunately I was able to help her feel better, discussing tips tools and strategies that she could use to improve her practice and focus on a bright future.

One of the ideas I shared was the idea that what does not serve you is actually sabotaging you.

you and your practice are like a plant if you are not growing you are  dying.

Because you want something better for yourself your team and your patients,, now would be a good time to prune out those areas that are sabotaging you so that they can be replaced with supportive new shoots.

Why would you want to make a change today?

If a patient has a little niggle and the ignore it, over time it will always deteriorate and the treatment will be more complicated,  more expensive and take longer. In the meanwhile your patent will have experienced unnecessary discomfort that will have restricted their choices about what they can eat.

If you have noticed niggles in your practice, you know why you should resolve it sooner than later so that you can make your good practice great.

What can you do?

Ask yourself  what is in your practice

  • environment
  • behaviours and culture
  • skills and capabilities
  • beliefs and values
  • identity
  • vision mission and purpose
that is sabotaging you?

Having identified these factors chose what you want instead and start to implement the changes.


Many clients come to me saying, "I know what I need to do and I don't know how to do it and I know you can show me a step by step way."

If you have any questions about the what or how, please call us 07989 757 884.

we specialise in working with dentists who
  • Own a practice or and thinking about buying a practice
  • Are passionate about great quality treatment and customer service.
  • Committed to team work
  • Have a practice income of a minimum of £100,000 and want to double, triple or even 10x it.
  • Are in mixed or fully private practice
  • Determined to be great