Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Some Facts about your patients and insights into your communication skills

Some facts about your patients and insights to your communication skills

Some will hear, but not listen.

Some will listen, but not understand.

And some will understand, but not act.

And the rest will listen to what you say take action and realise that what you do is invaluable.

How can you recognise those that are not listening, those that don’t understand, and those that are not taking action yet and change your communication styles so that they hear what you are saying, see the benefits and feel that it is essential that they proceed with treatment you are suggesting?

Essential NLP for dentists  and thier teams has the answers.

By attending this cours, you will improve your communication skills, so you in turn and help your patients by enabling them to access the treatment that is best for them.

For more information visit


Monday, 27 June 2011

Remember to book your mint seminar

The leading strategic alliance of business professionals  in dentistry,  Mint  gives access to a range of experts.

You will remember this training for the rest of your life!

Do you want to learn more about NLP but want to go on the holiday of a lifetime?

Now you can have it all.

Feel the Exhilaration

See the transformation

Check out this incredible training - your life and business will never be the same again

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

What is the most invaluable piece of equipment in your practice?

Consider for a moment your chair, handpieces, your car or any other piece of equipment you use on a regular basis. Imagine that they stopped working, how inconvenient would that be?

If your dental chair broke, or your handpieces seized it would prevent you from being able to work and what problems would that cause you, your staff and your patients?

If your car broke down and was going to take a week to fix what inconveniences would that cause?

You know that if your important equipment failed it would cause all sorts of problems so you have a service schedule to prevent the nightmares.

Consider for a moment that you are the most valuable and indispensible piece of equipment in your practice, how well do you look after, service and maintain it?

Do you look after your car better than you look after yourself?

Studies have shown teachers that experience burn out and those that don’t have different habits of self care. Those that remain healthy regularly engage in activities that result in them being healthy physically , socially , intellectually , emotionally and spiritually, those than experience burn out do not, A valuable exercise would be to regularly, stop and reflect on your life, consider how satisfied you are with certain areas, this can be done using a tool like the balance wheel. Draw a circle, divide it into 10 equal segments and label the sections as follows,

  • Work, career and business
  • Money, finance and wealth
  • Health, fitness and appearance
  • Relationship - significant other
  • Relationships - friends and family
  • Personal growth, education and learning
  • Fun, free time and recration
  • Physical environment and possessions
  • Spiritual connection
  • Contribution, community and charity


The centre of the circle centre represents zero, the circumference 10.

Consider each segment as an aspect of your life and score yourself from zero to ten as to how satisfied you are with each area marking your score witha a dot or a cross on each spoke,  join the dots.

Now ask yourself,     

  • IIf this were a wheel on a bicycle how comfortable would the ride be?        
  •  Is this an accurate metaphor for how you experience your life?       
  • As you look your evaluation of your life are you truly happy with it?


 If you have answered no to the last question I would invite you to consider what would you like your life to be like and what could you chose to do differently that would result  in a better experience for you?

Focussing on one area that you are dissatisfied with, now ask yourself

  • How would I like this area of my life to be different?
  • What are some of the many ways that I could make a change?
  • What resources do you need to implement these changes? This could be help from others,  learning new skills, reorganising your time, new equipment etc.
  • What action are you going to commit to taking and who are you going to ask to hold you accountable?


Let me know what changes you would like to make and what progress you are making.

If you would like a copy of a personal balance wheel or a 12 spoked business balance wheel to help you review your practice, e mail me

Client feedback

 I love recieving client feedback good and bad.

Good feedback feeds my soul and motivates me,

Bad feedback gives me an opportunity to learn, develop and improve.

I would like to share something one of my clients tlod me today during our session,

“Since working with you money has been haemorrhaging into my account. Thank you.”

what have your patients said to you today?

Testimonial of the day

Imagine my delight to open my e mails and read this unsolicited testimonial this morning.

"Hi Jane, I CAN'T wait to give you all my feedback. I am calling you the "magic Coach" as my dreams are really coming to life whilst working with you!" 

Sandra Crathen Worthing

Are you curious as to business coaching with me can create a resonse like this?

if you would like to have your dreams come true call me 07989 757 884

Thought for today

"The only place you find success before work is in the dictionary"

May V.Smith

Monday, 20 June 2011

Simple steps to increase your cashflow today

A free tele-seminar that will show you simple ways to increase your cashflow today


Thought for today

"The best career advice given to the young is to find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it."

Katherine Whitehorn

Friday, 17 June 2011

Are your patients choosing what is best for them?

  • Are your patients chooing what is best for them, or are they making compromises on price?
  • Are you having financial challenges?
  • Are you really confident at presenting and converting treatment plans?

Whatever you answered to these questions I can help you


Would you like to know one concept and one question that could

dramatically change your treatment uptake?

Earlier this week I did a one hour telephone coaching session with a client and introduced her to one simple question and a concept that would dramatically change her treatment plan conversions. She was a little sceptical as it  seemed to simple, and yet these are a selection of some of the e mails I have recieved from her in the last 12 hours.

" I applied the concept you taught me on one patient and managed to convert a £65 filling to a £160 filling."

" I applied the concept and did an extraction after an initial consultation with a new patient, an extra £120,and then using the same system on the next patient sold a clearstep assessment £200"

"Used it agin, the patient wanted whitening, that is another £150"

As a result of one coaching session and in 4 patients my client has generated an extra £570 that would have previously have slipped through her fingers, that is what I call a ROI, don't you agree?

If you would like to know what the one question and one concept were, that made such a difference, get in contact with me.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Win a coaching session valued at £300

To win an hour of free coaching valued at £300 send an e mail titled JUNE PRIZE DRAW to by Friday 24th June, answering the following question and the first person out of the draw will win a one hour coaching session, valued £300, free.

The winner will be announced in the August Healthy and Wealthy newsletter.

This is what some of the previous winners have said

“I have been quite staggered by the progress we have made since we last spoke”

RD Dentist Warwickshire

"I think you are excellent"

JT Dentist Ireland

Business guru and writer, Peter Drucker says they two key function of any business (and that includes your dental practice) are innovation and marketing .

• In your practice what could do with innovating?

• What should you be marketing?

I look forward to recieving your answers soon 


Wednesday, 15 June 2011

What are you sharing?

"If you share a good idea long enough, it will eventually fall on good people"

Jim Rohn


  • What good ideas are you sharing with your patients and staff?

  • if you are not sharing good ideas, what ideas could your share?

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

What inspired Nelson Mandela?

I was watching an incredible film the other night about the rugby world cup in South Africa, Invictus.

Evidently one of the things that inspired Nelson Mandela through his time on Robin  Island was the poem invictus, below.

we all have our dark times, though fortunately few of us have to endure what Nelson did. I am curious, what inspies you and keeps you focused during your bleak moments?

W. E. Henley


OUT of the night that covers me,

Black as the pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbow'd.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Thought for today

"Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier"

Colin Powell

Where can you be more optimistic?

What positive impact will your increased optimisim have on you and those around you?

Quote for today

"If you make a sale you make a living. If you make an investment of time and good service in a customer, you can make a fortune"

Jim Rohn

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Thought for the day

"If you think you can - you can - if you think you can't - you can't"
