Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Impossible or untried?


As I work with my clients i often discuss changes that could be made in many areas of the practice and these could include;

  • Collecting fees up front
  • Reducing the clinical hours worked by the principal
  • Implementing a sales system
  • Altering the opeing hours
  • Use of a treatment co-ordinator
  • Utlizing the staff more effectively
  • Taking much more time off for staff meetings and reviews

It is not uncommon for someone to say "That is not possible in my practice."

What is always true about the statement is that it implementing the changes has never been tried before the judgement has been made. And whilst it may be not work in your practice, how do you know unless you have tried. 

You may deciede to implement a fees upfront policy and discover that patients accept it, just think what impact that could have on your cash flow.

Today I have been reminded of a quote by Jim Goodwin "The impossible is often the untried"

Given that if you want to change something in your business or your life, you have to make a change, it is key that we embrace the possibility of success as we approach finding a solution to our challenge, rather than dismissing options without teating them.

You will recall from your scholl days experiments started will a null hypothesis which was then tested to ascertain if it held true.

curious to know;

  • What have you decided is impossible before you have tried it?
  • How is this damaging your business and your life?



Thursday, 12 May 2011

Another thought for today

Think of the one area of life that brings you the most discomfort, and that's where you're ripe for growth.

Thought for today

"Opportunities are often things you haven't noticed the first time around"

Catherine Deneuve

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Thought for the day

"If you think twice before you speak once, you will speak better for it"
