- Clinician
- Manager
- Business owner
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Are you being paid enough?
Monday, 24 October 2011
Free tele-seminar Mindset motivation and more money
- Are you frustrated by a lack of money?
- Are you fed up by salary smaller than all you do?
- Are you exhausted by all the effort you put into your work?
- Do you dream of being financially free?
If you answered Yes to any of these questions
this tele-seminar is perfect for you.
Mindset, motivation and making more money
For more information click here
Are you curious to find out how easy it is to learn how to create a larger income with less hassle?
Join here or visit http://www.theinstituteofdentalbusiness.co.uk/freeseminar.php
Thought for the day
Monday, 10 October 2011
Win a coaching sesson valued £300
To win an hour of free coaching valued £300
send an e mail titled OCTOBER PRIZE DRAW to jane@healthyandwealthy.co.uk answering the questions below and the first person out of the hat will win a one hour coaching session free.
To win this months’ prize draw please submit your answers by Friday 4th November, the winner will be announced inthe December 2011 Newsletter
Augusts’ winner is Dr. Claudia Muegge from Waterford
Congratulations Claudia, you win a free coaching session valued at £300
October prize draw questions
• What are you tolerating in your practice or home in terms of inadequate facilities, equipment or systems?
• What is stopping you eliminating these tolerations?
This is what some of the previous winners have said
“I have been quite staggered by the progress we have made since we last spoke”
RD Dentist Warwickshire
“I think you are excellent”
JT Dentist Ireland
“Thank you very much for a wonderful coaching session. I feel empowered again”
PJ dentist Harrow
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Psycographics of your patient base
Improving treatment plan conversions is a big subject best covered in a in house training programme and I wanted to share with some interesting data that I came across the other day that will change the way you relate to your patients and enable them to access the really valuable treatment you offer,
First the disclaimer, the research was not under taken in a dental practice and I am certain that the principles apply.
The research found that in a data base of clients at any one time
3% were ready to buy right now
7% were open to the idea of buying
30% were not thinking of buying
30% didn’t think what was being offered was relevant to them
30% were definitely not interested.
An average private list is approximately 1500 patients per dentist and an NHS list can be twice or three times that number. Take a moment to about you patients who are attending for their six monthly examinations, if your list size is 1500 you will have approximately 125 recalls each month
This means that 5 patients each month are likely to be coming into you primed and ready to start with treatment you offer.
9 patients will be open to the idea of proceeding with treatment. With these patients it will improve your conversion rates if you hone into what they are really after and discus the treatment options in term of the features, advantages and the benefits to them and remove all the obstacles to these patients starting with treatment.
37 patients each month will be attending their routine examination not really thinking about having any further remedial or elective treatment. With these patients it is really important that you are educating them about what you are able to offer and consequences of not accepting treatment early. The use of dental menus, videos in the waiting room, digital photo frames and informal conversations with well trained receptionists and nurses are really useful at this point.
37 patients will not think that what you offer is relevant to them. For these patients I think it is really important that you discus treatment in metaphors and stories that they can relate to from their working or personal life. For example for a patient who is a carpenter who has TMJD you may want to talk about warped, sticking doors and buckling hinges. For an IT technician who has occasional niggles that don’t really cause any major problems you may choose to liken the niggles to a computer that occasionally and repeatedly goes to a blue screen indicating that there is something in the computer that should be investigated and resolved before it crashed irretrievably.
37 are definitely not interested in what you are offering, for these patients it is often best to acknowledge that they don’t want to go ahead and that you have a professional responsibility to inform them as to the condition of their mouths and if they still chose not to proceed that is their prerogative.
There are many exciting opportunities to you so that in between recall visits you can move your patients through from definitely not being interested through to being ready to buy.
If you would like to increase your treatment plan conversion rate or would like to discuss any issues raised, please comment on this blog.
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Win a free coaching session with Dr Jane Lelean
- Have you wondered why so many people are raving about having a coach?
- Have you considered working with a coach and don't know who to choose?
- Have you got a problem in your practice that you don't know how to solve?
Monday, 19 September 2011
Three Steps to a Successful Practice
The Institute of Dental Business in association with NatWest Bank
Three Steps to a Successful Practice click link for more details
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
free tele-seminar - Overcoming overwhelm and not having enough time
- Are you suffering from overwhelm too much to do and not enough time to do it?
- Are you struggling to find time to recruit and train staff, manage the finances, market the practice to find new patients, keep existing patients happy and deal with all the red tape and paperwork?
If you answered yes this tele-seminar is perfect for you.
Click here to find out more
Click here to register
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Simple steps to recruit the right staff - CD now available
• Are you fed-up with poor attendance and sickness levels?
• Are you irritated by lack of initiative and independent thought?
• Are you sick of staff being dependent on you for motivation and a "when the cat's away mentality"?
• Are you tired of gossip, bitchiness and arguments?
• Are you worn out by the hassles of managing staff?
• Do you want a happy, hard working and motivated team?
If you answered Yes to any of these questions this tele-seminar is perfect for you.
Simple steps to recruit the right staff
Are you curious to find out how easy it is to learn how easy it is to build a successful, happy, hard working and motivated team?
That will make your life much easier, won't it?
The recording of this month's tele-seminar
Simple steps to recruit the right staff is now available.
This unique live recording and the accompanying hand-books
are now available at the special price of only £25.00
To order your copy, please send the following details to Jane@IODB.co.uk
Practice address
Card Type
Card Number
Start date
Expiry date
3 digit code from the reverse of the card
Other CD's that are available from our tele-seminar series include
• More profit from your appointment book
• Great profits and how to make them (avoiding the financial mistakes many dentists make)
• More profit from your recalls
• Great referals and how to get them
• Perfect staff and how to find them
• The art of writing a marketing plan
• Creating a business card that generates patients
• The 3 R’s to filling your appointment book
• The top 10 reasons you should put your prices up in a recession
• Financial security through a membership plan
• The effective art of delegation- freeing your time
• Simple steps to increase your cash flow today
Just let us know which of these recordings you would like and we will send them to you along with the accompanying workbook.
We look forward to hearing from you , so that you can make your good practices great.
Dates and subjects for future tele-seminars
2011 will be held at 19:00 on the first Tuesday of the month
• Overcoming overwhelm and not having enough time - 6th September
• The secret to recruiting perfect patients - 4th October
• CQC - Why business coaching is essential - 1st November
• Making the best use of your practice manager - 6th December
2012 will be held at 19:00 on the first Wednesday of the month
• Make 2012 your best year yet - 4th January
• How to get want you want now - 1st February
• Quick simple steps to improve your cash flow - 7th March
• Small things are most beautiful- 4th April
• Recruiting for success- 2nd May
• The quickest way to "Yes" - 6th June
• Demystifying marketing - 4th July
• Managing change within your team -1st August
• Simple steps to easy and effective practice management - 5th September
• The sensory practice - 3rd October
• The money making 16 point examination - 7th November
• How to run a successful practice and have a life - 5th December
To register click here
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Essential NLP for dentists and their teams - new date added
This one-day workshop has been designed by dentists for dentists to give you and your team a detailed introduction to the basic principles of NLP and how they can add real value to you, your practice and your patients.
This one day introductory training is your ideal opportunity to discover for yourself, how and why NLP is so popular with tens of thousands of people across the world, who are using NLP in their personal and working lives. Some of you may choose to use Essential NLP for dentists and their teams™ to experiment with NLP before deciding to take our comprehensive NLP practitioner training, others of you may use Essential NLP for dentists and their teams™ for the valuable material that you will cover in the day which can immediately be put to use in your practice and personal life before doing further training at a later date. Whatever your reasons for attending this day, it open a fascinating new world of possibilities for you.
The workshop is relaxed and informal and very practical – you will have plenty of opportunities actually experience and use NLP. By the end of the workshop you won’t just know about NLP - you will be doing it.Many previous delegates have discovered that this workshop can produce rapid learning and change in yourself and others, creating powerful possibilities for personal and corporate development.
For more information and to book your place click here
Thought for today
“The beginner scorns criticism.
The wise soul carefully weighs it.
The Master says, "But, of course!"
What is your response to criticism and feedback from someone else?
Do you dismiss patient complaints or do you embrace them as a way to improve your practice?
just imagine what amazing outcomes could be possible, if from today you started to welcome critical feedback and asked yourself and your team, ”How can we make sure that no-one has this experience again?”
I welcome your comments and feedback let me know what your think.
Monday, 25 July 2011
free tele-seminar - Simple steps to recruit the right staff
- Are you frustrated by poor staff performance?
- Are you fed-up with poor attendance and sickness levels?
- Are you irritated by lack of initiative and independent thought?
- Are you sick of staff being dependent on you for motivation and a "when the cat's away mentality"?
- Are you tired of gossip, bitchiness and arguments?
- Are you worn out by the hassles of managing staff?
- Do you want a happy, hard working and motivated team?
If you answered Yes to any of these questions this tele-seminar is perfect for you.
Simple steps to recruit the right staff
Are you curious to find out how easy it is to learn how easy it is to build a successful, happy, hard working and motivated team?
That will make your life much easier, won't it?
for more information click here